Mühlich Website

Division for Molecular and Clinical Pharmacy

Welcome to the Department of Molecular and Clinical Pharmacy!

The Department of Molecular and Clinical Pharmacy is run by Professor Susanne Muehlich. The professional and scientific activity of the department is aimed at the characterization of novel drug targets for tumor therapy and the elucidation of the underlying molecular mechanisms of action and optimization of the pharmacotherapy for specific patient groups.


Scientists report on current developments within molecular and clinical pharmacy research as part of the seminars of the German Pharmaceutical Society (DPhG). Those interested are cordially invited to the following upcoming talks in the Chemikum lecture hall C2:

Thursday, 24.10.2019, 8 pm: Prof. Dr. Monilola Olayioye, Universität Stuttgart,
“Das Yin und Yang des RhoGTPase Signalings in der Tumorprogression”.

Thursday, 28.11.2019, 8 pm: Prof. Dr. Guido Posern, Universität Halle-Wittenberg,
“Regulation und Funktion der MRTF-Transkriptionsfaktoren”.

Thursday, 23.1.2020, 8 pm: Prof. Dr. Klaudia Giehl, Universität Gießen,
“Oncogene Ras-Proteine und Tumorgenese”.

Thursday, 30. April 2020, 6 pm: Prof. Dr. Bernd Knöll, Universität Ulm,
“Analyse von Genregulationsprozessen auf Einzelmolekülebene”.

Thursday, 28. Mai 2020, 6 pm: Thomas Gudermann, LMU München,
“TRP-Ionenkanäle als neue pharmakologische und toxikologische Zielstrukturen”.

Thursday 23. Juli 2020, 6 pm: Conrad Kunick, Technische Universität Braunschweig,
“Proteinkinase-Inhibitoren: Ein Wirkprinzip setzt sich durch”.