APXPS Workshop 2019 Poster Award to Chemistry postgraduate from FAU
Haiko Wittkämper was awarded the poster prize for the best conference poster at the 6th Annual Ambient Pressure XPS Workshop 2019 in Lund, Sweden (10. – 13.12.2019). Mr. Wittkämper is a PhD student at the Chair of Physical Chemistry II of Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Steinrück and a member of Dr. Christian Papp’s working group. The title of the winning entry is: “Spectroscopic Insights into Gallium based Liquid Metal Solutions for Catalysis” by H. Wittkämper, M. Grabau, S. Meisel, M. Wu, A. Görling, E. Spiecker, H.-P. Steinrück, C. Papp. The award is endowed with 500 euros.
The APXPS-2019 Workshop is organized annually by the MAX IV Laboratory. Scientists from different research fields such as catalysis, electrochemistry and environmental sciences meet in Lund, Sweden, to present and discuss the latest developments in the application of Ambient Pressure XPS (APXPS).