Elena at the NT24 Conference at MIT

The NT24 conference, held from June 23-28, 2024, at MIT, focused on the science and applications of nanotubes and low-dimensional materials. This event, the 24th in its series, honoured the late Mildred Dresselhaus, a pioneer in carbon science and an influential figure at MIT. During the conference many researchers shared their interactions with her, pointing out her excellence in science but also personal aspects, such as her continuous support of young researchers but also how important family was for her, making her an inspiring female researcher. The talks at the conference really exemplified the richness that exists within the field of low dimensional materials, ranging from modelliung of nanofluidics to nanotube composites for space applications.
During the poster session Elena presented her research on “Non-covalently Functionalized Cobalt-Phtalocyanine Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Nanosheet Networks” and got useful insights from Stephanie Reich (FU Berlin), Ki Kang Kim (SSKU Korea), Michael Arnold (UWisconsin), Jenny Hernandez (Universidad de los Andes) and many more. Furthermore, on a personal level the conference was also enriching since I met a group of very inspiring PhDs and PostDocs from all over the world, together we enjoyed our lunches and evenings.
For more details, you can visit the official NT24 conference website.