Regular events
- Sensory Sciences Lecture Series, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, monthly event since 2019, Host.
Upcoming events
Previous meetings, symposia, workshops, interviews
- Sensory Sciences @FAU at “Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften“; Erlangen, Germany; 21.10.2023.
- Odeuropa Workshop @FAU; 02.049 – RRZE Martensstr. 1, 2. OG, Erlangen, Germany, 22. – 23.06.2023.
- Opening of the Research Facilities of the Sensory Sciences @FAU; Henkestr. 91, 91052 Erlangen, Germany, 12.07.2023.
- Chemistry and Pharmacy Symposium 2023; Erlangen, Germany; 14.04.2023.
- Sensory Sciences @FAU at “Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften“; Erlangen, Germany; 21.05.2022.
- Sensory Sciences @FAU at “g’scheid schlau!” online; Virtual Event, 21. – 24.10.2021.
- 2nd Interdisciplinary Erlangen Colloquium on Body Odours; Virtual Meeting, 28. – 29.04.2021, Host and Organizer.
- OCM-Conference 2021; Karlsruhe, Germany; 17.-18.03.2021, Programme Commitee Member.
- SR 1 Abendrot-Talk; “Eine Welt voller Düfte“, Interview with Isabelle Tentrup, 15.02.2021.
- Bayern 2, Magazin am Morgen, “Die Wirkung von Parfüm“, Interview with Stefan Kreutzer, 11.01.2021.
- C-PlaNeT NTE 2; Erlangen, Germany; 08. – 11.12.2020, Host and Organizer.
- VVD-Workshop »FutureClean 2020«, Fraunhofer IVV, Freising; 4.-5.11.2020, Host.
- Freisinger Tage »Konformität von Lebensmittelverpackungen«, Fraunhofer IVV, Freising; 22.-23.10.2020, Host.
- Analytica, World’s Leading Trade Fair for laboratory technology, analysis, biotechnology and analytica conference, Virtual Meeting, 19.–22.10.2020, Programm Committee Member
- Satellite Symposium »Molecular Communication – from odour plume to transmission of chemical information«, ECRO XXX – 2020; Dresden; 16.9.2020, Organizer.
- Symposium »Sensor, Biosensor, and Artificial Intelligence Advances in Food and Agricultural Chemistry«, 260th ACS National Meeting & Expo; San Francisco, CA; 16.-20.8.2020, Organizer.
- Freisinger Tage »Pflanzliche Lebensmittel«, Fraunhofer IVV, Freising; 15.-16.5.2020, Host.
- Symposium »How odorant metabolizing enzymes shape odor perception«, ISOT, Portland, Oregon, 20.-24.6.2020, Organizer.
- Workshop “Analytical Data – Data Analytics”, Fraunhofer IVV, Freising; 15.-16.10.2018, Host and Organizer.
- Deutschlandfunk Kultur, “Der Weg zur künstlichen Nase ist noch weit“, Interview with Christine Watty, 20.12.2017.
- Symposium “Up in Smoke: Chemistry of Smoky Odors in Food & the Environment“, 255th ACS National Meeting & Expo; New Orleans, LA; 18. – 22.03.2017, Organizer
- 2nd International Conference on Innovations in Food Packaging, Shelf Life & Food Safety, Munich, Germany, 03. – 06.10.2017, Member of the Scientific Committee
- 1st International Conference on Innovations in Food Science & Technology, (IFST 2017), Stadthalle, Erding, Munich, Germany, 10. – 12.05.2017, Member of the Scientific Committee
- International Conference on Innovations in Food Packaging, Shelf Life & Food Safety, Munich, Germany, 15.-17.09.2015, Member of the Scientific Committee
- International Congress Advances in Food Processing, Campinas, São Paulo, Brasilien, 05. – 07.11.2014, Member of the Scientific Committee
- Symposium “Advances in the Generation and Integration of Food Sensation and Cognition“,245th ACS National Meeting & Expo; New Orleans, LA; 07. – 11.04.2013, Organizer
- Seminar “Sensorik 2.0“, Fraunhofer IVV, Freising, 22. – 23.11.2012, Organizer
- Symposium “Offensive odours – chemistry, behaviour, development and language“ as part of the 20th annual congress of the European Chemoreception Research Organisation (ECRO) in Avignon, coorganisation with Benoist Schaal (CNRS, Dijon), 14. – 19.9.2010, Organizer
- Workshop “In-vivo flavour research: Prospects, challenges, secondary benefits“ as part of the 12th Weurman Aroma Symposium, Interlaken, Switzerland, 02. – 04.07.2008, Organizer
- “Flavor – Neue Lebensmittel für den modernen Verbrauchergeschmack“, annual meeting Fraunhofer IVV 2008, Freising, 03. – 04.05.2008, Organizer