Members of the Bachmann group
Current members of the Bachmann group
We are located in the building of the Interdisciplinary Center for Nanostructured Films (IZNF) at Cauerstr. 3, where we occupy offices 2.135 to 2.138, 2.140 to 2.142, 2.157 and 2.158 as well as 2.164 to 2.167. Our laboratories are 2.113 (thin films), 2.114 (electrochemical setups: anodization, electrolysis, CO2 electroreduction), 1.100-1.101 (electrochemistry), 1.121 (‘moonshine lab’), 0.117 (instrumental lab), and (operated together with the Halik group) 2.103, 2.106, 2.107, 2.110.
Prof. Julien Bachmann, principal investigator and chair holder |
Dr. Ryan Crisp, principal investigator and habilitand: group homepage |
Dr. Achim Zahl, academic director |
Laura Progscha, team assistant |
Susanne Hoffmann, laboratory assistant |
Dr-Ing. Pablo Jiménez-Calvo, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Post-doctoral Fellow |
Michael Bosch |
Jonas Englhard |
Marco Jiménez Sánchez |
Sofia Korenko |
Sonja Kürten (née Stefanovic) |
Maximilian Dierner |
Pei-Chun Liao |
Xinyi Zeng |
Andreas Deckert |
Valentin Müller (with the Mandel group) |
Students working towards their Master’s thesis
Mohamed Lamin Kamara |
Joschka Kollenda |
Jaclyn Flandermeyer |
Micah Mc Naire |
Mahsa Hossein Zadeh Damrigh |
Trainees, bachelor’s students, and external visitors
Sanja Pannen: HiWi |
Mahsa Hossein Zadeh Damrigh: Hiwi |
Yasaman Niknaf: Hiwi |
Lea Kröner: Hiwi |
Fatemeh Ghorbannia Delavar: Hiwi |
Kimia Hashemizadeh: Hiwi |
Isabella Martin: B. Sc. thesis |
Anjaly Gopinadhan: Hiwi |
Sachin Nenaniya: Hiwi |
New group photo, dinner after the yearly Christmas cleaning, December 2024

December 2023

First group photo since pandemic start
First time we have been able to gather (almost) everyone without masks, visiting Copenhagen at the end of our FAU CTFM – DTU Nanolab workshop in June 2022 (missing: Laura, Achim, Vanessa, Susanne):

Last group meeting of 2019
Pre-corona group photo in front of the IZNF artwork:

The group getting ready for Bergkirchweih 2019
“Weißwurstfrühstück” before leaving for the “Berg”…

Rainbow cake with unicorn…
…. vegan, with glitter! There have been a number of memorable cakes in the group, but Vanessa’s creation brings it to a whole new level: