
Nanostructures based on carbon are promising materials for nanoelectronics. However, to be suitable, they would often need to be formed on non-metallic surfaces, which has been a challenge – up to now. Researchers at FAU have found a method of forming nanographenes on metal oxide surfaces. Their res...

Graphene is a promising material for use in nanoelectronics. Its electronic properties depend greatly, however, on how the edges of the carbon layer are formed. Zigzag patterns are particularly interesting in this respect, but until now it has been virtually impossible to create edges with a pattern...

Prof. Dr. Jörg Libuda accepted the offer for a full professorship (W3) at the newly established Chair of Interface Research and Catalysis. Prof. Libuda has been Professor of Physical Chemistry (W2) at the Chair of Physical Chemistry II since 2005. Besides other awards and commitments, he has been sp...

Working together with external partners, chemists, materials scientists and chemical engineers at FAU have developed an innovative microcell for water electrolysis.They hope to replace standard plate electrodes used to split water into oxygen and hydrogen with compact, nanostructured tubes. They aim...

Extracting hydrogen using water electrolysis, that is separating water into oxygen and hydrogen using electric current, could contribute to making energy generated from renewable sources more efficient and cheaper to store in future. This method is still too costly at the moment. An interdisciplinar...

Aging and a low life expectancy are caused, at least partly, by oxidative stress. A team of researchers led by Prof. Dr. Ivana Ivanović-Burmazović of the Chair of Bioinorganic Chemistry at FAU, together with researchers from the USA, have discovered that zinc can activate an organic molecule, helpin...

The future perspective of chemistry is ‘electrifying’: With increasing availability of cheap electrical energy from renewables it will soon become possible to drive many chemical processes by electrical power. In this way, chemical products and fuels can be produced via sustainable routes, replacing...

Apart from MgH2, which is widely investigated for its hydrogen storage properties, alkaline earth metal hydrides are generally of no interest. The salt CaH2 reacts vigorously with water but is in contrast to other metal hydrides like LiAlH4 fully inert towards most organics. This is primarily due to...

The fascinating properties of graphene have resulted in exploding interest in the synthesis of large polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons or nanographenes, which represent fragments of the graphene surface.  Dr. Konstantin Amsharov and PhD student Anni-Kristin Steiner (Institute of Organic Chemistry, FA...

Prof. Dr. Sjoerd Harder received the “Schlenk Lecture Award”, a biannual research prize from the University of Tübingen and the BASF-AG. The prize includes a ceremonial lecture about the awardees research, a 3-week visiting professorship in Tübingen and at the BASF site in Ludwigshafen and a reward ...