
Due to the Corona Pandemic, the application deadline for FAU's mentoring programme ARIADNEdoc/postdoc+ has been extended until May 15th, 2020. The 18-months programme is designed for female doctoral candidates, postdoctoral researchers and Habilitandinnen of the Faculty of Engineering and the Fac...

Catalysis is world-wide a multi-billion-dollar research field. FAU researchers have now published the very first book on catalysis with cheap, non-toxic, s-block metals. Metals like magnesium or calcium can in some cases replace toxic precious metals like palladium or platin. The book launched by Wi...

From April 2020, the W2 Professorship for Inorganic Chemistry is newly occupied with Prof. Dr. Karl Mandel. Prof. Dr. Mandel succeeds Prof. Dr. Julien Bachmann who received the Chair for Thin Film Chemistry of the Cluster of Excellence Engineering of Advanced Materials (EAM) in 2019. The professo...

Plastic recyclates produced from waste packaging have to meet high sensory requirements for them to be used for new products. Plastic recyclates often have off-odours, some of which have yet to be identified. The Fraunhofer Institute for Process Engineering and Packaging IVV has analysed the sens...

The prospects of additive manufacturing (3D printing) as a versatile tool for prompt and inexpensive prototyping are extremely promising. This family of methods are set to make fabrication processes faster, more efficient in terms of the raw materials and energy required, and more flexible. However,...

A drug is being developed at FAU which controls the concentration of oxygen radicals in immune cells, and could revolutionise treatment of inflammatory diseases or even cancer. The ‘NeutroCure’ project has received funding of approximately three million euros from the European Union as part of the H...

Including 15 January 2020, female Master‘s students of the Faculty of Sciences and the Faculty of Engineering can apply for the next round of the FAU mentoring programme ARIADNETechNat master. Mentoring starts in April 2020 and lasts 9 months. The programme is designed for female Master’s students w...

The scholarship programme "Promotion of Equal Opportunities for Women in Research and Teaching (FFL)" is offered by the Free State of Bavaria in order to support women in science with above-average achievements in all areas of study. More information on programme and how to apply for a scholarship c...