Seminar and CIP rooms in CCC
Seminar and CIP rooms in CCC
Seminar Room 2.206
The seminar room 2.206 offers room for an auditorium of up to 50 persons. Laptops, tablets etc. can be connected to the presentation system via HDMI and VGA cables and via AirPlay™. A Windows 10 PC is available for PowerPoint and PDF presentations.
Timetable for Room 2.206
Conference Room 2.207, the “Oval Office”
The conference room 2.207 is suitable for meetings of up to 20 persons. Laptops, tablets etc. can be connected to the presentation system via HDMI and VGA cables. A Windows 10 presentation PC, a video conference system and a conference phone are also available.
Timetable for Room 2.207
CIP Rooms 2.202a and 2.203
Each of the CIP rooms has 24 student workstations that run openSUSE linux.
Timetable for CIP-Room 2.202a
Timetable for CIP-Room 2.203