Dr. Ryan Crisp
Dr. Ryan Crisp
Dr. Ryan W. Crisp (IZNF 02.141) did his Bachelors in Engineering Physics and Masters in Applied Physics at the Colorado School of Mines. He obtained his Ph. D. in Applied Physics in December 2015 from the Colorado School of Mines after carrying out his research at the National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL) on the synthesis, optoelectronic properties, and characterization of quantum dots and nanocrystals for use in solar cells working with Joseph M. Luther. He next had a Postdoctoral research position at TU Delft working with Arjan Houtepen on synthesis, spectroscopy, and charge carrier transport in non-toxic nanocrystal solar cells.
Ryan is now starting his independent career at CTFM as a habilitand on the assembly of functional quantum dot and nanocrystal layers with exceptional photophysical properties, with support from FAU’s ‘Emerging Talents Initiative’, the EAM cluster, and the DFG. |