Prof. Julien Bachmann
Prof. Julien Bachmann, PhD

Julien Bachmann studied chemistry at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland, and graduated with a Diplôme de chimiste in 2001 (with Carlo Floriani). He then joined the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the USA to obtain his Ph. D. in inorganic chemistry (with Dan Nocera, 2006). He moved with a Humboldt Fellowship to the Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics in Germany to learn the chemistry and physics of solids (with Ulrich Gösele) and worked as a postdoc at the University of Hamburg (with Kornelius Nielsch). He started as an Assistant Professor position (‘Juniorprofessur’, W1) in physics and chemistry in Hamburg in 2009 and was appointed as an Associate Professor (W2) of Inorganic Chemistry at the Friedrich Alexander University of Erlangen-Nürnberg in 2012. In 2017, he was promoted to the Full Professor (W3) status in the framework of the Cluster of Excellence ‘Engineering of Advanced Materials’, and he now leads the Chair for ‘Chemistry of Thin Film Materials’ at FAU.
Prof. Bachmann obtained several teaching prizes. He was awarded by the European Research Council an ERC Consolidator Grant (2015) and a Proof of Concept Grant (2022). He used to hold an adjunct position as a Full Professor at Saint Petersburg State University (2017 to February 2022) and was invited to the Danish Technical University as an Otto Mønsted Guest Professor (2021). He is also a co-founder and director of the company Atlant 3D Nanosystems.
Julien Bachmann can be reached in the IZNF building on Cauerstr. 3, office 2.136, by phone (09131 85 70551) and by e-mail (
Full publications list (ORCID)
Full publications list (Web of Science)
Selected publications:
P. Büttner, F. Scheler, D. Döhler, M. K. S. Barr, M. Bosch, M. Rey, T. Yokosawa, S. Hinz, J. Maultzsch, E. Spiecker, N. Vogel, I. Mínguez-Bacho, J. Bachmann* Nano Energy 2022, 103, 107820 “Continuous, crystalline Sb2S3 ultrathin light absorber coatings in solar cells based on photonic concentric p-i-n heterojunctions” |
I. Kundrata, M. K. S. Barr, S. Tymek, D. Döhler, B. Hudec, P. Brüner, G. Vanko, M. Precner, T. Yokosawa, E. Spiecker, M. Plakhotnyuk, K. Fröhlich, J. Bachmann* Small Methods 2022, 2101546 “Additive manufacturing in atomic layer deposition mode” |
S. Müssig, V. M. Koch, C. Collados Cuadrado, J. Bachmann, M. Thommes,* M. K. S. Barr,* K. Mandel* Small Methods 2021, 2101296 “Spray-Drying and Atomic Layer Deposition: Complementary Tools toward Fully Orthogonal Control of Bulk Composition and Surface Identity of Multifunctional Supraparticles” (Editor’s Choice) |
P. Büttner, F. Scheler, C. Pointer, D. Döhler, T. Yokosawa, E. Spiecker, E. R. Young,* I. Mínguez-Bacho,* J. Bachmann* ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2021, 13, 11861−11868 “ZnS Ultrathin Interfacial Layers for Optimizing Carrier Management in Sb2S3-based Photovoltaics” |
P. Büttner, F. Scheler, C. Pointer, D. Döhler, M. K. S. Barr, A. Koroleva, D. Pankin, R. Hatada, S. Flege, A. Manshina, E. R. Young, I. Mínguez-Bacho, J. Bachmann ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 2019, 2, 8747-8756 “Adjusting interfacial chemistry and electronic properties of photovoltaics based on a phase-pure Sb2S3 absorber by atomic layer deposition” |
V. M. Koch, M. K. S. Barr, P. Büttner, I. Mínguez-Bacho, D. Döhler, B. Winzer, E. Reinhardt, D. Segets, J. Bachmann J. Mater. Chem. A 2019, 7, 25112-25119 “A solution-based ALD route towards perovskite via lead sulfide films” |
S. Haschke, M. Mader, S. Schlicht, A. M. Roberts, A. M. Angeles-Boza, J. A. C. Barth, J. Bachmann Nature Commun. 2018, 9, 4565 “Direct oxygen isotope effect identifies the rate-determining step of electrocatalytic oxygen evolution reaction at a metal oxide surface” |
S. Haschke, D. Pankin, Y. Petrov, S. Bochmann, A. Manshina, J. Bachmann ChemSusChem 2017, 18, 3644-3651 “Design rules for oxygen evolution catalysis at porous iron oxide electrode surfaces: Thousand-fold current density increase” |
O. Brummel, D. Besold, Y. Wu, S. Bochmann, F. Lazzari, F. Waidhas, T. Döpper, U. Bauer, P. Bachmann, C. Papp, H.-P. Steinrück, A. Görling, J. Libuda, J. Bachmann ChemSusChem 2016, 9, 1424-1432 (‘Very Important Paper’) “Energy storage in strained organic molecules: Electrochemical and spectroelectrochemical characterization of norbornadiene and quadricyclane” |
Y. Wu, D. Döhler, M. Barr, E. Oks, M. Wolf, L. Santinacci, J. Bachmann Nano Lett. 2015, 15, 6379-6385 “Atomic layer deposition from dissolved precursors” |