March 2025
17.-19.03.2025 The Chemiedozententagung 2025 takes place in beautiful Braunschweig. Time to reconnect with the young chemical research community in Germany and beyond and updating on the newest science and gossip :-).
February 2025
22.02.2025 Henry gives a talk at the illustrious online series “Light as Reagent and Product” and meets many legends of photochemistry including Vaidhyanathan Ramamurthy and Jack Saltiel! Great insightful discussions and wonderful crowd!
06.02.2025 Congratulations to Fabien for the acceptance of his work “Hemiphosphoindigos as Platform for Chiroptical or Water Soluble Photoswitching” in Nature Communications! We proudly present the newest member to the hemiindigoid photoswitch family: Hemiphosphoindigo! It is a capable photoswitch ideally suited for chiroptical and in-water photoswitching – big kudos to Fabien for an extensive and hard work!
04.02.2025 John Gladysz – our Humboldt Sabbatical Guest – gives a fantastic talk about molecular gears – so much food for thought and a beautiful different flavour of molecular machines!
03.02.2025 Nico comes back to join us for his PhD! Welcome to the bunch Nico – lets keep it rolling :-)!
January 2025
30.01.2025 Olalla Vazquez from Marburg visits us in the GdCh-Kolloquium and delivers a fascinating lecture full of chemical biology and photochemistry – exciting results on so many levels! Great time and lots of intriguing light-responsive molecular tools to study nature and its inner workings…
17.01.2025 Laura defends her PhD with utmost success – we congratulate you for an amazing dissertation and so many wonderful results! With Lauras achievements we launch into a new realm of super-low energy responsive photoswitching and further into biological and materials applications! Kudos for the next leap in photoresponsive systems and all the best for your future adventures!
03.01.2025 Henry visits Scripps again after many years and meets fantastic colleagues Reza Ghadiri, Donna Blackmond, Kim Janda, Double-Nobel Laureate Barry Sharpless, Ram Krishnamurthy and his group, and of course his Postdoc advisor Julius Rebek Jr. Thank you Ram for hosting and Ryan Troseth for chaperoning on this exciting and chemistry-intense day – it was a blast!!!
December 2024
28. and 30.12.2024 Sad news again that really affect us closely at the end of this year – two Nobel Laureates Martin Karplus and Sir Fraser Stoddart have passed away on December 28th and 30th, respectively. The work of Karplus is important for us on a daily basis, whenever we do NMR spectroscopic analyses or modelling of the behaviour of our molecules. Fraser was a giant in the field of molecular machines and will always continue to inspire us in our research. His work on interlocked molecules has paved the way for a bright future of nanotechnology that is deeply routed in chemistry. We will keep their memory alive always!
17.12.2024 Dube group X-mas party – time to relax, celebrate, come together and spent a real good time!
17.12.2024 Christmas Lecture Organic Chemistry 2 – this time with secret luminescence and applied fundamental mechanisms that shine: Diels Alder and Friedel Crafts bonanza…
09.12.2024 We welcome our newest PhD student Fabian – back to the team!! Fabian will make efforts to fill the NIR range with intriguing new functions – go far !!
07.12.2024 FAU’s student day took place again this year. It was a great event that allowed many pupils to get their first taste of chemistry. The event was rewarded with enthusiasm and shining eyes from the children. Many thanks to the many helpers who contributed to the success of the event. In particular, the students of the chemistry teacher training program, the Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy at FAU, the Chair of Organic Chemistry I and the VBCI/VCI Bavaria should be mentioned here.
05.12.2024 Daniel Werz visits us and gives a wonderful and educational talk about his ventures into fluorophore territory. A tour-de-force about luminescence, fluorophore-design, and cool applications – we had a blast!! Thank you Daniel!
November 2024
21.11.2024 Welcome to the Network Meeting of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation at FAU in Erlangen! A very large meeting with fantastic international scientists working in Germany funded by the AvH Foundation. Also time for some selfies with FAU President Joachim Hornegger. Our Dean Karsten Meyer and Henry hosted the site-visit to the Chemistry Department at FAU with wonderful presentations by the visiting Humboldt fellows!
19.11.2024 Maximilians Angewandte paper has been selected as HOT Paper! Congratulations to this “cool” distinction!
07.11.2024 Rafal Klajn visits us from the ISTA in Vienna and gives a fantastic talk about colloidal crystals. Stunning results and beautifully explained most intriguing concepts – Thank you Rafal for an absolutely great time!
04.11.2024 We welcome our newest research student David to the team! David will help us explore new frontiers in NIR photoswitching.
04.11.2024 We congratulate Maximilian for acceptance of his superbe work “Combined Photopolymerization and Localized Photochromism by Aza-Diarylethene and Hemiindigo Synergy” in Advanced Materials the leading journal for materials chemistry! Using his new aza-diarylethene and its unique switching mechanisms he could realise efficient photopolymerization and additionally trap his diaryl-hemiindigo photoswitches in a synergistic materials application! Kudos to this extremely successful venturing into the lands of polymers and materials Max!
October 2024
17.10.2024 With terrible shock we have to announce that our team member Bojan Tanovic has deceased all of a sudden. It is an incredible loss and we are devastated by this tragedy. Bojan was an absolutely outstanding chemist, valued team mate, and inspired and talented researcher, and we are dearly missing him. Bojan will never be forgotten. We express our deepest condolences to his family.
15.10.2024 We welcome our visiting scholar Prof. John Gladysz to our group and FAU, supported by the Humboldt-Foundation! John was Henrys pre-predecessor and served as Chair of Organic Chemistry I at FAU from 1998 until 2007! Great to have him back and join forces in the organics, metalorganics and machines!!! We are very happy to have you John!
15.10.2024 We welcome Sanja as new Bachelor student! Sanja will help us with our exciting chemical biology projects.
15.10.2024 We welcome our new Bachelor student David! David will investigate new molecular photoswitches of the indigo-family.
15.10.2024 Welcome to our new Bachelor student Paul, who will venture into the bright side of photochemistry with us.
15.10.2024 We welcome our new Bachelor student Philip to the team! Philip will explore new macrocyclic molecular machines.
15.10.2024 Big congratulations to Maximilian, his newest work about the second generation of our aza-diarylethene zwitterionic photoswitches has been accepted for publication in Angewandte Chemie! We now achieved photoreversible zwitterion formation, proficient three-state photoswitching, as well as solvent-polarity induced stability modulation of a 10 kcal/mol energy release. A first prospective novel candidate for MOST applications from our lab! Further, our aza-diarylethene can be used to proficiently photoinitiate radical polymerizations, which is highly interesting for materials applications.
11.10.2024 A freshly baked PhD has arrived – Fred defended his thesis today with fantastic performance! He had engaged in an incredibly complicated and demanding topic and came out on top of it: directionality biases in photogearing evidenced! A multi-level-crazy thesis has come to successful closure: Fred we congratulate you with all our heart! All the best for your future and we are sure you will go on to do great no matter how tough the problem is that is thrown at you!
09.09.2024 A new Doctor is born: Max passes his PhD exam with flying colors in an impressive oral defense. Our first FAU PhD – and a great one at that! We congratulate for a wonderful thesis, a lot of hard earned success, and very nice results in the photoswitch arena! All the best Max in your future endeavors!
01.-04.09.2024 Ani visits the Mach 5 Conference in Bertinoro Italy presenting her exciting results on macrocyclic and hydrogen-bonded molecular motors. A sociable meetup with old friends Stefano and Zibi in a beautiful setting.
July 2024
22.-24.07.2024 The 2024 Women in Science Erlangen Symposium takes place with an outstanding lineup of greatly accomplished female scientists from FAU and worldwide academia & industry. Ani and Sofia have been strongly involved in organizing the event and Ani served as session chair on the opening day. Lilli gave a talk about her new molecular motor on tuesday, this work was accepted in JACS the same day in the evening! Lilli also received the Nature Chemistry Flash Talk Award! Laura and Maximilian showed posters about our newest photoswitches with great public resonance. Laura also received the Energy & Environmental Science and EES Catalysis Poster Prize! Henry chaired the first session on Monday. What a great event!
23.07.2024 Big congratulations to Lilli and the bunch for acceptance of our newest work “Directionality Reversal and Shift of Rotational Axis in a Hemithioindigo Macrocyclic Molecular Motor” in JACS! Reprogramming of molecular motor directionality via macrocyclization – a new way to control directionality by deliberate motion restrictions. This machine can also be turned into a photoswitch simply by swapping solvents – it thus senses its environment and reacts to polarity changes by alteration of its function. Really hard work by Lilli on all levels: synthesis, analysis, theory, and crystallisation!
19.07.2024 Our two Master-students Martina and Bojan received the Zerweck-Master-Award 2024 for their outstanding Master theses! Congratulations very much – we are so proud of you!!
19.07.2024 Nathan Boase from Queensland University in Brisbane stops by and gives a fantastic talk about photoswitches, polymers, and functional materials – actual products with photoswitches that you can touch and wear! Also a virtual reunion with one of our first PhD students Sandra Wiedbrauk – we say hi from afar!
17.07.2024 Henry visits the University of Amsterdam invited by Wybren Jan Buma to spend a bit of time with so many great colleagues! Intense science talking ranging from photochemistry, structural biology and catalysis to recycling and spectroscopy. Wonderful time!
June 2024
Prof. Dr. Regina de Vivie-Riedle
With great shock we learned that our long-time teacher, colleague, collaborator and friend Regina de Vivie-Riedle has passed away on June 20th this year. Regina taught Henry quantum chemistry back in the days when he was still a student and later became our close collaborator for elucidation of excited state photochemistry mechanisms. In fact, our very first independent paper from 2014 was a collaborative work together with her. During the following 10 years we have teamed up many times developing a deep understanding of the inner workings of molecular photoswitches and machines. Regina was an outstanding theoretical chemist and world-renowned for her comprehensive understanding of excited state behavior. But she was also a dear friend and mentor, who closely accompanied our adventures and would always be ready to engage in a new idea, project, or problem that needed solving. We deeply mourn this incredible loss. Regina will be dearly missed but never forgotten and her legacy will stand forever!
28.06.2024 Michel Gravel from Saskatchewan University pays us a visit talking about the “total synthesis” of annulenes! What a delight to see Paul Schleyers ideas become a reality and learn about the intriguing ways to push aromatization further!
We just found out with great sadness that in January this year Prof. Robert S. H. Liu has passed away. Prof. Liu had and still has an immensely important influence on our research because he was the one to propose the hula-twist photoreaction in the first place. Inspired by his work we became interested into coupled bond rotations as response to light irradiation of molecules, which led us to many new discoveries in photochemistry and molecular machines. We want to highlight Prof. Liu and his accomplishments here again, he will not be forgotten and live forever through his science! You can find out more about him here: J. Phys. Chem. A 1998, 102, 28, 5316-5317.
20.06.2024 Oliver Thorn-Seshold visits us at FAU and gives a stunning talk about photopharmacology and photochemistry in biology! Great time and deep discussions involving not only professors but many of our students as well!
19.06.2024 Big props to Fred and the bunch for acceptance of their work “Directional Bias in Molecular Photogearing Evidenced by LED-Coupled Chiral Cryo-HPLC” in Angewandte Chemie! An extremely difficult work has been successfully completed, where we evidence for the first time that directionality control is possible in photogearing processes. To this end we had to invent a new low-temperature HPLC separation device with in-situ irradiation possibility. Our findings also open up new ways to control directionality by electronic instead of steric effects.
18.06.2024 Big congratulations to Laura and her newest work: “All-Visible Orthogonal Photoswitching for Applications in Multi-Photochromic Polymers and Molecular Computing“, which was just accepted for publication by Angewandte Chemie! The first example for all-visible and truly orthogonal photoswitching – big leap to enable complex photoresponses with full control. The photograph shows orthogonal photoswitching within a polymer to localise an all-photonic logic gate operation.
May 2024
27.05.2024 We welcome David to his Bachelor thesis in our Team! Davids Motto: Gear up and role !
April 2024
04.04.2024 Welcome Lorenz, our newest Bachelor student! Lorenz will engage with highly coloured photoswitches – fingers crossed !!
March 2024
18.03.2024 We warmly welcome our newest Bachelor student Marc to our group, who will explore new photoswitches! We wish you great success Marc!
08.03.2024 Stefano Crespi visits us at FAU and gives a beautiful talk about molecular switches, machines, and photochemistry – so close to our hearts! Wonderful discussions and down the rabbit hole into the inner workings of nanotechnology – thank you for a fantastic time!
07.03.2024 Congratulations to Maximilian and Sofia for acceptance of their beautiful work on Aza-Diarylethene photoswitches. They show for the first time how a C=N bond is reversibly formed and broken while also full charge separation occurs during photoswitching. This opens up four state switching and acid base control over thermal bistability for this new class of diarylethenes – tremendous effort and great work!!! Shout out to our NMR team, who helped tremendously in these efforts!
01.03.2024 We welcome our new Master student Fabian to the group again! Fabian will join the bright side of the force – good luck and plenty of fun!!
February 2024
27.02.2024 Max and Matthias work is highlighted as HOT PAPER by Angewandte Chemie! Congratulations again guys!
05.02.2024 Nico is back for his Masterthesis in our group! Welcome again, we wish you lightening fast success!!
January 2024
26.01.2024 Giving an invited talk at the RWTH Aachen and deep-diving into the power of organic synthesis – thank you for hosting and sharing your awesome science everyone! Thank you Florian Mulks for organizing!
24.01.2024 Henry was invited to give a talk at the ArtMoMa Final Conference in Groningen. Meeting with the giants of supramolecular chemistry and molecular machines, Nobel-laureates Jean-Marie Lehn and Ben Feringa as well as so many eminent figures in the field – a truly exciting and inspiring experience… Check out the ArtMoMa website here.
The new year starts with great news! Congratulations to Max and Matthias for acceptance of their pioneering work “Gain of Function Recyclable Photoswitches: Reversible Simultaneous Substitution and Photochromism Generation” for publication in Angew. Chem.! A completely new concept for the simultaneous functionalization and photochromism generation, which is fully reversible enables recyclable photoswitches! Beautiful advancement guys!
December 2023
20.12.2023 Dube group Christmas party – say goodbye to 2023, a lot of student turn-over in the group, a lot of top-notch science, good company, keep pushing everyone and thank you best team!
19.12.2023 OC-II lecture wishes happy holidays and a happy new year!!! See you again next year, well rested and ready for more organic chemistry deep dives!
16.12.2023 Henry is ranked among the top two percent of most frequently cited academics worldwide as reported by researchers of the Stanford University. Big team-success over the last years – props to everyone contributing so strongly!!!
16.12.2023 Lauras and Elias work is featured as backcover on the Angewandte Chemie issue 52 this year! Congrats again for this big leap in photoswitching! The cover shows a photograph of the PAT-photoswitch embedded in a transparent polymer and irradiated through a photomask with red light.
13.12.2023 Congratulations to Laura and our awesome coworkers Fritzi and Esther from the Zanin-Lab for acceptance of our joint work on photoswitchable PIM-kinase inhibitors for publication in JACS! We present rhodanine chromophores as capable photoswitches and apply them for light-induced apoptosis induction in cancer cells mediated by inhibition of PIM kinases. Beautiful work everyone!
02.12.2023 After some time off, it was finally possible for FAU’s student day (Schülertag) to take place again. It was a great event that allowed many pupils to get their first taste of chemistry. The event was honored with enthusiasm and shining eyes of the kids. Thanks to the many helpers for making it such a success. In particular, the students of the chemistry teaching program, the Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy at FAU, the Chair 1 for Organic Chemistry and the VBCI/VCI Bayern have to be mentioned here.
November 2023
27.11.2023 We congratulate Ani for receiving “The Faculty of Sciences Women’s Prize”, these are fantastic news, Ani we are so proud of you!!
20.11.2023 The anti aromatic joyride continues, Michael Haley visits us at FAU and gives a stunning talk on pi-rich systems and diradicaloids. Great and colourful time!
13.11.2023 Welcome to our new Research Student Nils, who will help us shifting photoswitching to the red… go far Nils!
09.11.2023 Birgit Esser from the University Ulm visited our GDCh-Kolloquium and gave a fascinating inspiring talk about organic batteries and nanohoops. Taking functional organics to the next level – fantastic time! Thank you Ingrid for organising!
06.11.2023 An extraordinary visit of Google X at FAU! A full day cutting-edge science discussions together with our president Joachim Hornegger – what will the future bring?
October 2023
23.10.2023 We welcome our new Research students Nico and Fabian to our group! Lets gear up and switch!
21.10.2023 Long Night of Sciences – our group gives insights into chemistry using everyday-life equipment and ingredients from the kitchen. All fun and games for hands-on engaging public reach-out.
05.10.2023 Congratulations to Laura and Elias – an absolutely outstanding photoswitch for all-red-light and NIR photoswitching has been accepted for publication in Angewandte Chemie! Beautiful work, this will set a new standard for red-shifted light-responsiveness!
04.10.2023 We welcome our new Bachelor students Marcus and Luzia to our group! We wish you big success and a ton of fun in our group!
September 2023
28.09.2023 Time for “BETRIEBSAUSFLUG”! Alex has organised it in the beautiful city of Bamberg, absolutely great time and exhaustive hiking :-)!
27.09.2023 Congratulations to Lilli, Aaron, Nicolai and our awesome collaborators from the Ruth Gschwind group for the acceptance of our joint paper on azotriptycene-based molecular brakes! This in-depth study of light-and crystallization controlled molecular braking will appear in Chemistry a European Journal!
26.09.2023 Big big congratulations to Mr. Regen-Pregizer for his successful PhD defence! Fantastic job Benni, hard work on real demanding topics, you did really great! All the best for your future endeavours!
22.09.2023 Henry continuous his Netherlands-tour in Leiden at the beautiful Leiden Institute of Chemistry! Thank you Sander Wezenberg for the hosting, it was great to have time to talk and discuss!
19-22.09.2023 Laura, Maximilian, and Henry visit ESOR2023 in Amsterdam! A fantastic symposium on physical organic chemistry with so many great speakers including Nobel Laureate Ben Feringa! Laura and Maximilian presented posters and Henry gave a talk, great time to connect and discuss the newest awesome science…
August 2023
01.08.2023 We welcome our newest Master student Konstantin to our group, who will venture into materials research with us – smooth sailing Konstantin!
July 2023
31.07.2023 Pavel is leaving us to venture into new science territory. We wish you all the best in your future endeavours, thank you for your fantastic work in our group!
28.07.2023 Two of our Master students – Sven and Alexander – received the Zerweck-Masterpreis 2023 for their outstanding Master theses! Really great success we are very proud of you!!!
27.07.2023 Maximilians paper has been selected for Nature Communications Editor’s Highlights twice! Very nice promotion of his work!! Check out the selections here: Editor’s Highlights Inorganic and physical chemistry and Editor’s Highlights Materials science and chemistry.
19.07.2023 The new FAU Profile Center “FAU SOLAR” has been approved, where Henry is a founding and executive board member. Check out the website here: FAU SOLAR.
17.07.2023 Congratulations to Benni and Ani for the acceptance of their work “A Photochemical Method to Evidence Directional Molecular Motions” in Nature Communications! Macrocyclization as a chemical method to elucidate fast molecular motor motions, the only way to evidence fast directional motions experimentally!
12.07.2023 Henry visits his Alma Mater, Philipps-University in Marburg to give an invited talk in the GDCh colloquium . Big memory-flash and exciting science discussions – what a day… Thanks to Olalla for the invitation and the fantastic time! Big shout out to all Marburg colleagues for their intense interest and lively questioning!!!
11.07.2023 Party-time! We celebrate our recent big successes, the summer, and good company! Nicolai is back for a quick visit!
June 2023
16.06.2023 We welcome our newest PhD student Matthias to our group! We wish you great success and a whole lot of fun in the coming years!
14.06.2023 Congratulations to Maximilian for the acceptance of his work “Diaryl-Hemiindigos as Visible Light, pH, and Heat Responsive Four-State Switches and Application in Photochromic Transparent Polymers” in Nature Communications! A very capable red-light responsive photoswitch that can also be switched with acid and base while pumping the metastable state. Its strong photochromism can be used for polymer-switching, our first venture into materials applications. Great job Maximilian!!!
05.06.2023 Prof. Fahmi Himo visits us from Stockholm and gives a very insightful talk about the theoretical description of molecular flasks and encapsulation phenomena! Great discussions and much learned about Julius Rebek Jr.s capsules and cavitands! Thanks to Svetlana for inviting!
05.06.2023 We welcome our new Bachelor student Burak to the group!! Burak will help us make exciting new molecular machines!
May 2023
31.05.2023 We welcome our new Bachelor students Karl, Maximilian, and Michael, who will make nice new photoswitches!
25.05.2023 Prof. Peter Seeberger visits our GDCh-Kolloqium for a breathtaking talk that shows how chemistry can make deep impact in society. Organic chemistry at its best!
23.05.2023 We welcome our new Bachelor student Lina to the group!! Lina will gear up hemithioindigo a little more…
10.05.2023 Our joint paper with the group of Josef Wachtveitl and Andreas Dreuw “Mechanistic Elucidation of the Hula-Twist Photoreaction in Hemithioindigo” has been accepted for publication in JACS! Hearty congratulations to all coworkers, the first excited state mechanistic insight into the Hula Twist photoreaction has been delivered!
April 2023
28.04.2023 Congratulations to Max for the acceptance of his work “A Cross-Conjugation Approach for High-Performance Diaryl-Hemithioindigo Photoswitches” in Chemical Science! Another big leap in high-performance HTI photoswitches!
17.04.2023 We welcome our new Master student Martina! Martina will boost our computational skills within the next 6 months!
14.04.2023 The inaugural lecture series of our new professors in the Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy at FAU takes place. A day full of science, excitement, and happiness. Meet your new professors!
March 2023
23.03.2023 Nicolai becomes a Dr., beautiful job and big-leap work! We congratulate you and wish you all the best in your future endeavours!!!
20.03.2023 Former Chair of Organic Chemistry I Rik Tykwinski stops by for a short-visit. Hello again!
20.03.2023 We welcome our new Bachelor student Leonora to the bunch!
17.03.2023 Kerstin defends her thesis in Munich with flying colors! Congratulations to a fantastic thesis on so many levels!!!
17.03.2023 A little Lab-reunion in the shadow of A. von Baeyer.
13.-15.03.2023 Chemiedozententagung in Dresden – What are the chemical youngsters up to? Class reunion with the German/and beyond chemistry community.
February 2023
January 2023
16.01.2023 Sven and Elias join us for their Phd and Pavel for a guest-scientist stay! A warm welcome to our new team-members!
December 2022
06.12.2022 Welcome Konstantin who is conducting his research module in our group creating new photoswitches!
November 2022
16.11.2022 Prof. Yudin visited FAU and gave an inspiring lecture on rethinking high-energy states in organic synthesis. Great time and plenty of food for thought…
October 2022
September 2022
16.09.2022. A hearty hello to our newest PhD student Sofia, who starts her thesis with us this month! Welcome to the bunch!
August 2022
July 2022
22.07.2022 We congratulate Lilli for receiving the Zerweck-Masterpreis 2022 for her outstanding Master thesis! Fantastic work Lilli!
June 2022
14.06.2022 Welcome to Lea Schmitt and Benjamin Jurisch for their research orientated laboratory practical course!
9.06.2022 Bill Morandi from the ETH-Zürich visited Erlangen and gave an inspiring lecture in our GDCh-Colloqium about his intricate „reconstructional“ synthesis approach. Great time!
May 2022
24.05.2022 Congratulations to Fabien, who was selected by FAU to visit the 71st Lindau Nobel laureate Meeting this year. The 71st Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting is dedicated to Chemistry. About 35 Nobel Laureates are participating in #LINO22. They will present their research, reflect their career and talk to the selected young scientists.
24.05.2022 The new Compendium „Molecular Photoswitches. Chemistry, Properties, and Applications“ is out, edited by Z. Pianowski and containing one chapter written by Tom and Henry about Indigoid Photoswitches. Check it out here on the Wiley-VCH website.
11.05.2022 We congratulate Ani for receiving the prestigious research fellowship of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation! Great news and a fantastic support for her ambitious research in our group!
10.05.2022 We welcome our new intern from France: Gwenn Dormoy, who will help our chemical biology endeavours.
April 2022
13.04.2022 Nicolais and Verenas work is highlighted as Inside Cover by Angewandte Chemie! Congratulations guys again for this big milestone!
01.04.2022 We welcome Alexander, Elias, Jonas, and Sven to the team for their Master thesis!
March 2022
24.03.2022 We welcome Fabian to the team for his Bachelor thesis!
15.03.2022 We welcome our new Bachelor Students Theresa and Daniel to the team!
01.03.2022 We welcome Moritz Wagner for his “Zulassungsarbeit”!
February 2022
25.02.2022 Hearty congratulations to Aaron and Fred for acceptance of their work “Photogearing as a Concept for Translation of Precise Motions at the Nanoscale” in Nature Chemistry! An incredible journey has yielded the first energy-powered molecular gear, opening up an avenue to true molecular clockworks. We celebrate many years of hard work – wonderful job guys!
10.02.2022 Congratulations to Nicolai and Verena for their beautiful work providing the first mechanical threading event at the molecular scale powered by a molecular motor, which was just accepted in Angewandte Chemie! An important first step into mechanical molecular knitting machines and a great success for an extensive amount of work!
04.02.2022 A new doctor is born: Congratulations Estebanio for a magnificent performance and establishment of in silico chemistry in our group right from the start! We are so proud of you!
04.02.2022 A little reunion of the Munich-Lab – lets do this again soon everybody!!!
03.02.2022 Our quantitative in situ irradiation method is highlighted as the Cover-Picture by ChemPhotoChem! Congrats to our Design-Team: Eberhard, Roland, and Aaron! This work is also distinguished as VIP paper!
January 2022
22.01.2022 Double strike! Another congratulations to Aaron and the team for their great work „An Eight-State Molecular Sequential Switch Featuring a Dual Single-Bond Rotation Photoreaction“, which was just accepted for publication in JACS! We proudly present a new way for multi-switching. An extremely high density of states and eight-fold to five-fold sequential switching is achieved within a small molecular framework. Additionally we discover a new photoisomerization reaction: Dual Single Bond Rotation that can now be used consciously to engineer molecular responsiveness.
22.01.2022 We want to highlight the François Diederich Tribute Collection from Wiley, guest edited by Anna K. H. Hirsch, Milan Kivala, and Henry. A fine compilation of more than 60 contributions to celebrate François’ scientific legacy and honor his memory.
22.01.2022 Congratulations to Roland, Aaron and the bunch, our ChemPhotoChem paper will be highlighted at the Front Cover and was also selected as VIP paper!
22.01.2022 Congratulations to Fabien, Aaron and the team for their fantastic work „Hemithioindigo-based Trioxo-bicyclo-nona-diene: 3D Multi-switching of Electronic and Geometric Properties“, which was just accepted for publication in JACS! An entirely new photoswitch archetype has been brought to light including unknown and unusual thermal- and photo-rearrangement reactions! A real milestone from our lab!
December 2021
21.12.2021 Final OC-2 lecture 2021 – with some Christmas glow. Happy Holidays and also a Happy New Year 2022 to everyone!
09.12.2021 Congratulations for Roland, Aaron and Ludwig for their great work „Quantitative in-situ NMR-Illumination for Excitation and Kinetic Analysis of Molecular Motor Intermediates“, which was accepted for publication in ChemPhotoChem!
02.12.2021 Lilli Reissenweber started her PhD thesis in our group. Welcome to the team!
November 2021
15.11.2021 FAU researchers convert dye indirubin into photoswitches. Check out the FAU news.
October 2021
06.10.21 Nobel-Prize Award 2021 – live watching event in the Dube group. Congratulations to Benjamin List and David MacMillan – Organocatalysis all the way, wow what a great day for Organic Chemistry in Germany! Laura has tipped right and won our bet this year!
06.10.21 A warm welcome to our new intern Abigail Barnum from Kalamazoo College Michigan who will help us developing new photoswitches!
05.10.2021 Indirubin enters the stage of photoswitching and shows how supramolecular interactions can invert the photochromism! Congratulations to Esteban, Laura, and the team for acceptance of our newest work “All-Red-Light Photoswitching of Indirubin Controlled by Supramolecular Interactions” in JACS! Fantastic work everyone!
September 2021
06.09.21 Ani Özcelik started her Postdoc in our group. Welcome to the team!
06.09.21 Julia Diemand joins us for her bachelor thesis. Welcome to the team!
August 2021
15.08.21 Pronay Biswas started his Postdoc in our group. Welcome to the team!
July 2021
01.07.2021 Manuel is joining our team as new PhD student. Welcome to the bunch!!!
June 2021
09.06.2021 A warm welcome to our new research trainee Patrick, who will help us make new molecular motors!
May 2021
03.05.2021 Congratulations to Ludwig and the gang for the acceptance of our newest paper in Chemistry a European Journal! Great work on elucidating the influences of steric hindrance on the motions of hemithioindigo molecular motors!
April 2021
30.04.2021 Our paper about transient IR spectroscopy on hemithioindigo TICT formation has been accepted by The Journal of Physical Chemistry. Congratulations to Esteban and Klara, Matthias, Franziska – our awesome collaborators from the Zinth, Iglev, and de Vivie-Riedle groups – we now gained much deeper structural and electronic insights into this charge transfer behavior in the excited state!
March 2021
30.03.2021 Lilli is joining us for her master thesis! Welcome to the team!
February 2021
01.02.2021 Maximilian is joining us for his PhD! Welcome to the team!
January 2021
21.01.2021 Ed defended his PhD with great success! Congratulations Ed, beautiful job!
18.01.2021 Verena is joining us for her PhD! Welcome to the team!
11.01.2021 Congratulations Tom and the team to the new paper “Sulfoxide Hemithioindigo Tweezers – Visible Light Addressable Capture and Release” just accepted in Chemical Science! Tweezers TNG are going strong!
01.01.2021 Fabien is joining us for his PhD! Welcome to the team!
December 2020
14.12.2020 Congratulations to Aaron for the successful defense of his PhD thesis! Stunning job throughout! Keep pushing!
11.12.2020 We are so happy to share the great news: the Dube group received an ERC Consolidator Grant – almost 2 Mio EUR to develop light-controlled nanotechnology in the next 5 years! Shout-out to the team for its great work that made it possible!!! Check out the FAU press release.
November 2020
12.11.2020 Kerstins paper is also highlighted on the FAU Mainpage, check it out here.
11.11.2020 Kerstins catalysis paper was highlighted in JACS Spotlights! Check it out here.
06.11.2020 Tom has successfully defended his thesis – Congratulations Tom, beautiful job! We wish you all the best in your new adventures – go where no chemist has gone before!
05.11.2020 Our biological chemistry paper was selected for the inside cover of Angewandte Chemie! Congrats to the whole Team!!
October 2020
20.10.2020 Zoom-Party celebrating Kerstin’s and Ed´s latest papers
13.10.2020 Kerstins paper “Supramolecular Relay-Control of Organocatalysis with a Hemithioindigo-based Molecular Motor” was accepted for publication in JACS! Congratulations to this great success integrating HTI motors into catalytic processes! Way to go Kerstin!
09.10.2020 Our first Chemical Biology Paper has been accepted for publication!!! Congratulations Ed and Fritzi and the whole team for the new paper “Light Controlled Cell-Cycle Arrest and Apoptosis” in Angewandte Chemie! Outstanding work everyone! Thank you awesome collaborators from the Zanin Lab!
August 2020
27.08.2020 New space for the upcoming laser laboratory. Roland already moved in...
July 2020
22.07.2020 Congratulations to Roland and Ludwig and the rest of the crew to the new paper “Tuning the ground and excited state dynamics of hemithioindigo molecular motors by substituents” accepted by Chemistry – A European Journal!
06.07.2020 A warm welcome to the new Lab-mascot: “Falcon Dube”
June 2020
04.06.2020 First chemistry is kicking off!
02.06.2020 Laura’s and Moni’s paper „Oxidized Hemithioindigo Photoswitches – Influence of Oxidation State on (Photo)physical and Photochemical Properties“ has been accepted by Chemistry – A European Journal. Congratulations!
01.06.2020 Maximilian Sacherer joins the group for his Master thesis. Welcome to the team!
May 2020
15.05.2020 Max Zitzmann started his PhD thesis in our group. Welcome to the team!
04.05.2020 The group has startet to get settled at the FAU and started to move in the laboratories!
01.05.2020 Laura Köttner started her PhD thesis in our group. Welcome to the team!
April 2020
01.04.2020 Frederik Gnannt started his PhD thesis in our group. Welcome to the team!
01.04.2020 Our group is moving to the FAU-Erlangen Nürnberg! Henry started as Chair of Organic Chemistry in the Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy on April 1. 2020. Thank you all members of the group – past and present – for making it happen!!! Check this Tweet from the President of the FAU Prof. Hornegger