The Team
Henry studied chemistry at the Philipps-University Marburg and the LMU Munich. After his diploma thesis with Paul Knochel he joined the group of François Diederich at the ETH Zurich for his Ph.D. There he worked on synthetic models for heme proteins. Henry then moved to The Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla as a postdoctoral research fellow to pursue his interest in supramolecular self-assembly in the group of Julius Rebek, Jr. He started as an independent research group leader at the LMU Munich in 2011. Since April 2020 he is Chair of Organic Chemistry at the FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg. His current research interests are centered on organic and physical organic chemistry and span the areas of photochemistry, supramolecular chemistry, and molecular machines.
Awards and Fellowships
2020 ERC Consolidator Grant of the European Research Council
2018 Research award of the Dr. Otto Röhm Gedächtnisstiftung
2018 Arnold-Sommerfeld Award of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities
2017 Dr. Klaus Römer-Foundation Young Investigator Award
2017 Awarded “Best presentation of Early Career Researcher” at “Thinking the Unthinkable” GDCh Scientific Forum Chemistry 2017, Anniversary Congress GDCh – 150 years
2016 TCI Lecture Award at the 25. Nachwuchswissenschaftler-Symposium Bioorganische Chemie 2016
2014 Emmy Noether-Fellowship of the DFG (German Research Foundation)
2012 Thieme Chemistry Journal Award
2011 Liebig Stipendium of the FCI (Fonds der chemischen Industrie)
2009 Feodor Lynen Postdoctoral Fellowship of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
2008 Postdoctoral Fellowship of the SNF (Swiss National Science Foundation)
Member of
the CHIROPTICS network – tailoring and characterizing chiroptical systems.
the Young Center (CASY) of the Center of Advanced Studies at the LMU
Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker – GDCh
Funded by:
Corina England, secretary (Administrative office Chemikum)
Email: corina.england at
Phone: 09131-85-65590
Pamela Hampel, secretary (Personal assistant to Prof. H. Dube)
Email: pamela.hampel at
Phone: 09131-85-65570
Dr. Frank Hampel, Akad. Dir.
Email: frank.hampel at
Phone: 09131-85-65577
Dr. Alexander Scherer, Akad. ORat
Email: alexander.scherer at
Phone: 09131-85-65576
Elias Ciekalski, PhD student
Email: elias.ciekalski at
Phone: 09131-85-65348
Matthias Fröhling, PhD student
Email: matthias.froehling at
Phone: 09131-85-65429
Sofia Gracheva, PhD Student
Email: sofia.gracheva at
Phone: 09131-85-65429
Nico Groß, PhD Student
Email: nico.gross at
Phone: 09131-85-65429
Fabian Harenz, PhD Student
Email: fabian.harenz at
Phone: 09131-85-65426
Verena Josef, PhD Student
Email: nena.josef at
Phone: 09131-85-65444
Fabien Kohl, PhD Student
Email: fabien.kohl at
Phone: 09131-85-65444
Lilli Reissenweber, PhD student
Email: lilli.reissenweber at
Phone: 09131-85-65426
Maximilian Sacherer, PhD student
Email: maximilian.sacherer at
Phone: 09131-85-65426
Manuel Valentin, PhD Student
Email: manuel.valentin at
Phone: 09131-85-65446
Sven Waldmannstetter, PhD student
Email: sven.waldmannstetter at
Phone: 09131-85-65446
Pauline Laure Guedi, mass spectrometry & X-ray
Bernadeta Hack, mass spectrometry
Elvis Nguyen, glassblower
Horst Mayer, mechanic
Bahram Saberi, glassblower
Holger Wohlfahrt, electrician