Prof. Dr. Jutta Eichler
Prof. Dr. Jutta Eichler
Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Research areas
Bioactive compounds:
Life science
Chemo-selective ligation strategies for proteins
Peptide chemistry
Bioactive compounds:
Compounds discovery
Structure-based design of antiviral peptides
Member of:
since 2008 | Professor of Medicinal Chemistry, Friedrich-Alexander-University (FAU) Erlangen-Nürnberg. |
2004 | Habilitation in Bioorganic Chemistry, Technical University Braunschweig. |
2000-2008 | Senior Research Scientist (2000-2001) and Group Leader (2001-2008), Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research, Braunschweig. |
1998-1999 | Director of Combinatorial Chemistry, Graffinity Pharmaceutical Design GmbH, Heidelberg. |
1991-1998 | Postdoctoral Fellow (1991-1992), Research Scientist (1992-1994), and Assistant Member (1994-1998), Torrey Pines Institute for Molecular Studies, San Diego. |
1991 | Dr. rer. nat., Humboldt-University Berlin. |
2001 | BioFuture Award of the German Federal Department of Education and Research (BMBF), providing extensive research support for the duration of five years. |
since 2011 | Vice Chair of the Board of the Joint Working Group Chemical Biology |
since 2009 | Dean of Studies (Pharmacy and Food Chemistry) at Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg. |