Sensory Sciences Lecture: Prof. Matthew G. Panthani, Electronics and Photonics based on 2D Group IV Nanomaterials

Date: 4. September 2024Time: 15:00 – 16:30Location: SR 00.020, ZMPT/MVC building, Henkestr. 91, 91052 Erlangen

For this month´s Sensory Sciences Lecture, on Wednesday 4th of September, 2024

Matthew G. Panthani
Associate Professor and Herbert L. Stiles Faculty Fellow, Iowa State University amd Faculty Scientist, Ames Laboratory,
will give a lecture on:
“Electronics and Photonics based on 2D Group IV Nanomaterials”

Join us for this lecture at 3:00 pm in person in SR 00.020 of the ZMPT/MVC building, Henkestr. 91, 91052 Erlangen.

Prof. Panthani’s research focuses on addressing global challenges in the areas of energy production, utilization, and efficiency, by applying molecular-level, bottom-up engineering of functional inorganic materials with engineered structures and interfacial chemistry designed to control materials properties and transport characteristics.
Nanostructured semiconductors offer unique avenues due to their fundamentally different phase behavior, size- and surface-dependent properties, and relaxation of quantum mechanical selection rules. We present our recent developments in synthesizing 2D Group IV nanomaterials – atomically thin nanosheets comprised of Si, Ge, and/or Sn (and their alloys). We show that these nanomaterials have optical properties that can be tuned by modifying their composition, size, and surface chemistry. Using temperature-dependent spectroscopy, we show evidence of direct bandgap transitions, corroborated by electronic band structure simulations. We show new insight into the disorder and structural dynamics in Group IV nanomaterials using synchrotron-based x-ray scattering and neutron scattering experiments. Finally, we explore these materials' novel defect chemistry and phase behavior and show potential implications for application areas such as computing, sensing, telecommunications, and quantum information science.

All information about past and upcoming Sensory Sciences Lectures including the link to the lecture can be found on our website:<>

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Event Details

4. September 2024
15:00 – 16:30

SR 00.020, ZMPT/MVC building, Henkestr. 91, 91052 Erlangen

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