Categories: Promotion
Bavarian Research Alliance
The Bavarian Research Alliance (Bayerische Forschungsallianz or BayFOR) is an organization that centralizes a number of useful resources for young researchers who need help with funding international research, coordinating innovative research collaborations, and supporting young scientists who are interested in research, cooperating, and even going into business with international partners.
The International Office of the FAU works closely with the Bavarian Research Alliance in finding financial support for members of the FAU community interested in a research stay in Québec, Canada.
More information on the Bavarian Research Alliance and their affiliate organizations can be found at the following links:
- Bavarian Patent Alliance (Bayerische Patentallianz)
- Bavarian Research Alliance
- Bavarian Research and Innovation Agency (Bayerische Forschungs- und Innovationsagentur)
- Bavarian Research Foundation (Bayerische Forschungsstiftung)
- Bayern Innovativ GmbH