Open Positions
Interested in doing a Bachelor Thesis / Master thesis / Phd Thesis or a post-doc in our group?
We constantly seek new group members from Chemistry, Molecular Science, Physics and related fields.
Application-related topics:
- Catalysis with liquid metals (SCALMS)
(in cooperation with groups Wasserscheid and Steinrück) - Calculation of molecular structures on surfaces
e.g., of organic molecules or graphene layers on metal/metal oxide surfaces (structure, band structure, bonding ratios)
(in cooperation with groups Steinrück / Libuda) - Homogeneous catalysis
e.g., enantioselective organocatalysis
(in cooperation with groups Tsogoeva and Wasserscheid) - Materials for (electro)chemical energy conversion and storage
(in cooperation with groups Hirsch, Libuda, Steinrück, Bachmann) - Identification of adsorption sites of small molecules by characteristic molecular vibrations
(in cooperation with Libuda group) - Structure and energetics of new carbon allotropes
(in cooperation with Hirsch group)
Method development topics:
- Optimization of novel density-functionals to describe correlation energy
- Further development of new density-functional methods for excited states and optical properties
- Development and application of novel band structure methods for solids and surfaces considering magnetic effects and spin-orbit interaction
Themen Bachelorarbeiten (pdf, nicht barrierefrei), ca. 3 MB
Please contact
Prof. Dr. Andreas Görling
Theoretical and computer chemistry
Research areas
Molecular materials:
Novel materials for solar energy conversion
Chemical energy storage (LOHC and MOST systems)
Molecular materials:
2D-materials (structure formation, electronic and magnetic properties)
Molecular information storage
Molecular materials:
New catalyst concepts based on liquid metals and ionic liquids
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