News and Group Activities
News and Group Activities
EIC project meetings on Tenerife
Danijela Gregurec – Neuro-X seminar at EPFL
Welcome Jiajian!
Adam Armada-Moreira visits Biointerfaces Lab
Guest lecture with Dr. Michael Christiansen
Biointerfaces Lab at FAU Kinderuni
1st Biointerfaces Lab Group Retreat
Review paper on Microfabrication Technologies
Paper published in Nature Nanotechnoloy
Visit by Prof. Matthew Panthani from Iowa State University
Noah Kent visiting Biointerfaces Lab
Danijela Gregurec new member of FAU NMP
Crossbrain project General Assembly meeting
Biointerfaces Lab at nanotechnologies conference in Bangkok
New PhD candidate at Biointerfaces Lab
Lab Visit by Prof. Chanchai Boonla
BRAINSTORM PhD students visit University of Turin
BRAINSTORM Research Exchange
EIC portfolio meeting
Since this week Sandra Plettl supports us in our EU projects as a replacement for Nina. We wish you all the best Nina and are happy to welcome our new colleague Sandra at Biointerfaces Lab!
Welcome Uzair Ali! He will work at Biointerfaces Lab as a PostDoc in the BRAINSTORM Project.
Biointerfaces welcomes Nina Donner. She will support us in our EU Projects BRAINSTORM and BRAINMASTER. Welcome Nina!
We are extremely excited and grateful to receive funding from the Horizon-ERC-StartingGrant2023 for the BRAINMASTER project. Danijela and her team will work on next generation minimal invasive neuromodulation technologies, allowing for real-time stimulation and analysis of neuronal activities in a single wireless device. Stay tuned for the project website and all upcoming news regarding our ERC-project!
Biointerfaces welcomes David Onaiyekan, who will support us with our IT Infrastructure. Welcome David!
We are excited to have Bilal Nizami visiting us as a guest researcher and are looking forward to exchange scientific knowhow and experiences.
During the last two days the #brainstorm #kickoff #meeting took place at FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg. We are happy to start the #project activities with this event, that was filled with fruitful discussions and successfully developed a roadmap for the upcoming months. Thank you to all partners University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, CIC biomaGUNE, University of Helsinki, University of Glasgow and AKA Biotech for your contributions!
We are delighted to have Vicente Durán Toro joining our lab as a postdoc, working on development of next generation functional micromaterials for brain implantation!
We are wishing a warm farewell to Hany Gabriel and Stephan Petkov. Thank you for your contributions to the group.
We are excited to have Stephan Petkov starting with us as a postdoc to work on the exiting neuro-bio part of our lab!
We are grateful to receive funding from the Horizon-EIC-2022-PathfinderOpen-01 for the BRAINSTORM project. Biointerfaces will lead the BRAINSTROM project, where we and our partners will work on multimodal nanoinvasive neuromodulation technologies! We are looking to many exciting breakthroughs that BRAINSORM will bring.- Project website comes soon!
Congratulations to Lorenzo for having his review accepted in iScience! Read on exciting physical mechanisms that govern wireless nanomaterial – neuron interactions here
Danijela is delighted tio be invited for giving a talk at the Talk at the XX Brasil MRS conference to address innovations in nanomaterials as next generation of neural interfaces.
Biointerfaces wishes a warm welcome to Naside Tezcan, who will work on mechanical engineering tasks at the lab!
Biointerfaces welcomes Hany Gabriel, who will help with scientific organization and communication of the lab!
We are wishing a warm farewell to Elizaveta Shkredova. Thank you Liza, and all the best in your future endeavours!
We are grateful to the Hertha und Helmut Schmauser-Stiftung for the continued support of Biointerfaces lab. Thank you for awarding us with Hertha und Helmut Schmauser-Stiftung 2022 funds!
We are delighted to receive funding from the HORIZON-EIC-2021-PATHFINDERCHALLENGES-01-02 for CROSSBRAIN project to design exciting functional interfaces for brain stimulation!
We are delighted to have Sergio Moya visiting us under the Visiting Professor Programme and are looking forward to many new ideas arising at the interface of soft matter and sensory sciences! Welcome, Sergio!
Biointerfaces welcomes Leo Rossdeutscher who will investigate with us how toxins influence directly on chemo/thermosensitive TRPV1 ion channel!
We are happy to welcome Elif Kocar who joined biointerfaces lab to develop sophisticated nanoparticle-based biosensors!
Danijela is excited to contribute to the celebration of the CIC biomaGUNE 15th anniversary with the talk that covers her research from PhD at the center till the present day.
Danijela will give a talk at the 4th International Brain Stimulation Conference on anisotropic nanodiscs capable of dual neuromodulation.
Danijela, together with the Sensory Sciences Team at FAU will talk about senses and perception at G’SCHEID SCHLAU! with some interesting hands-on experiments!
We are delighted that the ‘wireless DBS’ paper lead by Dr. Hescham from Maastricht University is out in Nature Communications Congratulations to the whole multidisciplinary and multinational team!
Danijela is delighted for receiving EAM Starting grant from the Cluster of Excellence Engineering of Advanced Materials. Congratulations!
Congratulations to Danijela on being awarded by Dr. Hertha und Helmut Schmauser-Stiftung!
Prof. Arnd Pralle from University at Buffalo is visiting us to brainstorm new ideas on magnetic neuromodulation techniques. We are looking forward to this exciting visit.
Danijela Gregurec received the ETI (Emerging talents initiative) award from FAU. Congratulations!
Biointerfaces lab welcomes Lorenzo Signorelli who will join the group in June as a PhD student. Lorenzo will apply functional materials to study and modify neurobiological systems.
Biointerfaces lab welcomes Elizaveta Shkredova, a student assistant who will work with us on scientific organization and communication of the lab.
Biointerfaces lab welcomes Franziska Wasner, our new student assistant. Franziska will work on synthesis and coating of magnetic nanomaterials.
Danijela will talk about ‘Magnetic nanomaterials for wireless control of sensory neurons’ at the Interdisciplinary Center for Neuroscience (iCN) mini-symposia, Erlangen on February 1st, 2021.