Franziska Gröhn

Prof. Dr. Franziska Gröhn

Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy
Professor for Molecular Nanostructures

Room: Room 0.113-13
Egerlandstr. 3
91058 Erlangen


Physical Chemistry

Research areas

Molecular materials:

Novel multi-component materials for solar energy conversion through self-assembly


Structure-function relationships of novel nano-objects

Molecular materials:

Light-switchable nanosystems


Particle shape as information storage

Multi-switchable nanostructures through self-assembly

Molecular materials:

Developing principles for the defined synthesis of quantum dots and metal nanoarticles in water at room temperature

Selective photocatalysis in aqueous environment

Recycable structures through self-assembly

Making new structures and functions through self-assembly without the need for extended organic synthesis

Molecular materials:
Life science

Developing novel concepts for triggerable drug delivery with supramolecular nanoparticles

Interaction of proteins and peptides with other molecules

Nanostructure characterization of bio and biomimetic systems

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