Helene Loos

PD Dr. Habil. Helene Loos

Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy
Chair of Aroma and Smell Research (Prof. Dr. Büttner)

Room: Room 01.120
Henkestr. 9
91054 Erlangen


Food Chemistry

Research areas

Bioactive compounds:
Compound discovery

Elucidation of semiochemicals and chemical communication processes

Identification of natural products, with a focus on volatile and odor-active substances from plant material and body fluids

Bioactive compounds
Mechanisms and targets

Uptake, biotransformation and excretion of substances by the human body

Understanding of peripheral mechanisms of olfactory perception

Sensory evaluation and structure-activity-relationships

Bioactive compounds:

Recombination of odours

Bioactive compounds:

Sensory and instrumental analysis of volatiles and odorants in food, plant and animal materials, and human speciment (urine, milk, sweat, sebum)

One- and two-dimensional gas chromatography-mass spectrometry/olfactometry

Targeted and untargeted analysis

Member of: