Research groups

Research groups at the Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy

Prof. Dr. Julien Bachmann

Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy
Lehrstuhl für Chemistry of thin film materials (Prof. Dr. Bachmann)

Room: Room 02.136
Cauerstr. 3
91058 Erlangen


Materials Chemistry

Research areas

Molecular materials:

Nanostructured interfaces for charge transfer

Extremely thin absorber solar cells

Electrocatalysis and photoelectrocatalysis

Solar batteries

Thin functional coatings: semiconductors, catalysts

Molecular materials:

Atomic layer processing: designer reagents for precision solid deposition

Molecular materials:

Atomic layer processing: precision solid deposition in mild conditions

Atomic-layer additive manufacturing

Member of:

Prof. Dr. Marcus Bär

Professor of X-ray spectroscopy at the Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy at FAU, and Helmholtz-Institute Erlangen-Nürnberg for Renewable Energy (HI ERN), Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie GmbH (HZB)

Albert-Einstein-Str. 15
12489 Berlin


Physical Chemistry

Research areas

Molecular materials:

Energy storage (Li- and Li-free batteries, [green] hydrogen/fuel production)

Energy conversion (single- and multijunction solar cells, [SOFC, PEM] fuel cells

Molecular materials:

New catalyst concepts (SCALMS, thin-film catalysts)

Prof. Dr. Nicolai Burzlaff

Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy
Professor for Inorganic Chemistry

Room: Room A3.38
Egerlandstr. 1
91058 Erlangen


Inorganic Chemistry

Research areas

Molecular materials:

Redox mediators for dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs)

Carbon-rich organometallic complexes

Molecular materials:

Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) for atmospheric water harvesting (AWH)

Molecular materials:
Life science

Isopenicillin N Synthase

2-Oxoglutarat abhängige Eisenenzyme

Bioactive compounds:
Compound discovery

Isopenicillin N Synthase

2-oxoglutarate dependent iron enzymes

Bioactive compounds:

Powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) of kidney stones

Member of:

Prof. Dr. Andrea Büttner

Fraunhofer IVV:



Food Chemistry

Research areas

Bioactive compounds:
Compound discovery

Chemosensory substances

Molecular communication compounds

Structure-based stimuli design

Sustainable consumption

Bioactive compounds:
Mechanisms and targets

Biotransformation and metabolization

Sensory mechanisms

Neurotropic effects

Chemosensory effects

Bioactive compounds:

Chemosensory stimuli

Contaminants and toxicants


Humansensory evaluation

Member of:


Dr. Ryan Crisp

Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy
Lehrstuhl für Chemistry of thin film materials (Prof. Dr. Bachmann)

Room: Room 02.142
Cauerstr. 3
91058 Erlangen


Materials Chemistry

Research areas

Molecular materials:

Nanomaterials for solar-to-X

Molecular materials:

New optoelectronics development with non-critical materials

Photochemical degradation mechanisms of PFAS

Prof. Dr. Romano Dorta

Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy
Professor of Inorganic Chemistry

Room: Room A 1.12
Egerlandstr. 1
91058 Erlangen


Inorganic Chemistry

Research areas

Molecular materials:

‘Green’ hydrogen for the synthesis of value-added products

‘Green’ CO for e-fuels via low-temperature rWGS

Molecular materials:

Catalytic methods for the multiplication of chirality

Molecular materials:

Catalysis with soluble metal complexes

Activations of specific bonds and small molecules

Prof. Dr. Thomas Drewello

Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy
Professor for Physical Chemistry

Room: Room P 3.54
Egerlandstr. 3
91058 Erlangen

Office hours

Office hours by arrangement


Physical Chemistry

Research areas

Molecular materials:

Thermochemistry of molecular bonding

Reaction mechanisms in the gas phase


Prof. Dr. Henry Dube

Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy
Chair of Organic Chemistry I

Room: Room 04.049
Nikolaus-Fiebiger-Str. 10
91058 Erlangen


Organic Chemistry

Research Area

Molecular materials:

Molecular machines


Molecular materials:

Molecular photoswitches

Molecular computing

Responsive Supramolecular Chemistry

Molecular materials:

Recycling of Photochromes

Molecular materials:
Live Science


Member of:

Prof. Dr. Jutta Eichler

Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy
Professor of Medicinal Chemistry (Prof. Dr. Eichler)

Room: Room 01.230
Nikolaus-Fiebiger-Str. 10
91058 Erlangen


Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Research areas

Bioactive compounds:
Life science

Chemo-selective ligation strategies for proteins

Peptide chemistry

Bioactive compounds:
Compounds discovery

Structure-based design of antiviral peptides

Member of:

Prof. Dr. Rainer Fink

Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy
Professor for Physical Chemistry

Room: Room P 2.51
Egerlandstr. 3
91058 Erlangen

Office hours

Each week We, 12:00 - 13:00, Room P 2.51,


Physical Chemistry

Research areas

Molecular materials:

Nanoanalytics of photoabsorbers

Molecular materials:

Organic electronic devices

Molecular materials:

Natural fibers

Member of:

Prof. Dr. Dagmar Fischer, Apoth.


Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy
Chair of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmacy

Room: Room 0.621
Cauerstr. 4 (Haus 6)
91058 Erlangen


Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmacy

Research areas

Molecular materials:

Safe and sustainability-by-design concepts in pharmacy

Sustainable, natural and renewable materials as excipients and drugs

Sustainable manufacturing for pharmaceutical formulations

Molecular materials:
Life science

Drug delivery in inflammation, infection and aging

Bioactive compounds:

Micro- and nanosystems for targeted drug delivery

Polymers and lipid for drug delivery

The life-cycle of drug delivery systems

Bioactive compounds:

Biopharmaceutical in vitro barrier models

Hen’s egg models in drug delivery

Member of:

PD Dr. Henning Gieseler, Apoth.

Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy

Room: Room 1.643
Cauerstraße 4, House 6
91058 Erlangen


Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmacy

Research areas

Molecular materials:

AI in parmaceutical manufacturing and corresponding analytics (quality control)

Molecular materials:
Life science

Process Analytical Technology (PAT)

Manufacturing science with focus on freeze drying

Packaging material and quality control

Bioactive compounds:

Formulation of peptides for parental delivery (radiopharmaceutical therapeutics)

Formulation of therapeutic proteins for parental delivery

Nanoparticles, liposomes, etc. for parenteral delivery

Novel exipients for parenteral use

Member of:

Prof. Dr. Peter Gmeiner

Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy
Chair of Medicinal Chemistry (Prof. Dr. Gmeiner)

Room: Room 02.237
Nikolaus-Fiebiger-Str. 10
91058 Erlangen


Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Research areas

Bioactive compounds:
Compound discovery

Structur-based drug design

Lead compound optimization

Bioactive compounds:
Mechanisms and targets

In vitro functional investigations

Bioactive compounds:

Cryo-EM structures

MD simulations

Member of:

Prof. Dr. Andreas Görling

Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy
Chair of Theoretical Chemistry

Room: Room TH 1.79b
Egerlandstr. 3
91058 Erlangen


Theoretical and computer chemistry

Research areas

Molecular materials:

Novel materials for solar energy conversion

Chemical energy storage (LOHC and MOST systems)

Molecular materials:

2D-materials (structure formation, electronic and magnetic properties)

Molecular information storage

Molecular materials:

New catalyst concepts based on liquid metals and ionic liquids

Member of:


Prof. Dr. Danijela Gregurec

Professor for Sensory Sciences

Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy
Juniorprofessur für Sensory Sciences (am Chair for Aroma und Smell Research)

Room: Room 00.042
Henkestrasse 91
91052 Erlangen


Food Chemistry

Research areas

Molecular materials:

Magnetic nanomaterials for conversion of magnetic field energy to thermal, electrical and mechanical energies

Molecular materials:

Wireless communication with cellular signalling activities through magnetic nanoantennas

Molecular materials:
Life science

Functional biomaterials with translational potential in therapeutic applications

Bioactive compounds:
Mechanisms and targets

Mechanistic studies of cell and protein-targeted stimulation of cellular signaling in vitro

In vivo wireless neuromodulation in rodent models

Member of:

Prof. Dr. Franziska Gröhn

Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy
Professor for Molecular Nanostructures

Room: Room 0.113-13
Egerlandstr. 3
91058 Erlangen


Physical Chemistry

Research areas

Molecular materials:

Novel multi-component materials for solar energy conversion through self-assembly


Structure-function relationships of novel nano-objects

Molecular materials:

Light-switchable nanosystems


Particle shape as information storage

Multi-switchable nanostructures through self-assembly

Molecular materials:

Developing principles for the defined synthesis of quantum dots and metal nanoarticles in water at room temperature

Selective photocatalysis in aqueous environment

Recycable structures through self-assembly

Making new structures and functions through self-assembly without the need for extended organic synthesis

Molecular materials:
Life science

Developing novel concepts for triggerable drug delivery with supramolecular nanoparticles

Interaction of proteins and peptides with other molecules

Nanostructure characterization of bio and biomimetic systems

Member of:

Prof. Dr. Dirk Guldi

Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy
Chair of Physical Chemistry I

Room: Room P 3.51
Egerlandstr. 3
91058 Erlangen


Physical Chemistry

Research Area

Molecular materials:

Solar energy converison schemes

Molecular photon management

Molecular charge management

Molecular materials:



Molecular receptors

Molecular materials:

Photo-redox catalysis

Energy-transfer catalysis

Water splitting

Carbon dots from waste

Member of:


Prof. Dr. Sjoerd Harder, PhD

Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy
Chair of Inorganic and Organometallic Chemistry (Prof. Dr. Harder)

Room: Room A 3.14
Egerlandstr. 1
91058 Erlangen


Inorganic Chemistry

Research areas

Molecular materials:

Development of novel heterogeneous catalysts for the storage of hydrogen

Development of fluorine-free non-coordinating anions for early main group metal batteries

Molecular materials:

Homogeneous catalysis with abundant main group metals

Low oxidation state main group metal complexes for activation and conversion of extremely strong bonds


Latest publications and news can be found at X (Twitter): @harder_research

A full up-to-date publication record can be found at: Scopus

Top-5 recent publications

  1. J. Mai, J. Maurer, J. Langer, S. Harder* Nature Synthesis 2024, 3, 368–377. Heterobimetallic Alkaline-Earth Metal-Metal Bonding
  2. B. Rösch, T. Gentner, J. Eyselein, J. Langer, H. Elsen, S. Harder* Nature 2021, 592, 717-721. Strongly reducing magnesium(0) complexes
  3. B. Rösch, T. Gentner, J. Langer, C. Färber, J. Eyselein, L. Zhao, C. Ding, G. Frenking*, S. Harder* Science 2021, 371, 1125-1128. Dinitrogen complexation and reduction at low-valent calcium
  4. C. Färber, P. Stegner, U. Zenneck, C. Knüpfer, G. Bendt, S. Schulz, S. Harder* Nature Communications 2022, 13, 3210. Teaming up main group metals with metallic iron to boost hydrogenation catalysis
  5. H. Bauer, M. Alonso*, C. Färber, H. Elsen, J. Pahl, A. Causero, G. Ballmann, F. De Proft, S. Harder* Nature Catalysis, 2018, 1, 40-47. Imine Hydrogenation with Simple Alkaline Earth Metal Catalysts 10.1038/s41929-017-0006-0

Prof. Dr. Markus Heinrich

Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy
Professor of Medicinal Chemistry (Prof. Dr. Heinrich)

Room: Room 05.058
Nikolaus-Fiebiger-Str. 10
91058 Erlangen


Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Research areas

Molecular materials:

FAU Expired Drug Initiative (FAU EDI) to support research, teaching amd environmental monitoring in Europe

Catalyst-free photoinduced radical reactions

Molecular materials:
Life science

Development of new drug candidates and diagnostics for cancer therapy

Bioactive compounds:
Compound discovery

Structure-based drug design

Lead compound optimization

Member of:

Prof. Dr. Andreas Hirsch

Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy
Chair of Organic Chemistry II (Prof. Dr. Hirsch)

Room: Room 04.052
Nikolaus-Fiebiger-Str. 10
91058 Erlangen


Organic Chemistry

Research areas

Molecular materials:

Organic materials for energy storage

Molecular materials:

Multistate switches for information storage

Member of:

Prof. Dr. Petra Imhof

Technical Director

Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy
Professur für Computational Chemistry (Prof. Dr. Imhof)

Room: Room 2.110
Nägelsbachstraße 25
91052 Erlangen


Theoretical and Computer Chemistry

Research Area

Molecular materials:

Analysis of communication and information flow in macromolecules and molecular complexes

Molecular materials:
Life Science

Protein-Substrate interactions

DNA repair

Enzymatic specificity

Ion transport e.g. through membranes

Regulation and signal transduction in protein complexes

Bioactive compounds:
Compound discovery

Characterisation, optimisation, and rational design and optimisation of drug and pro-drug molecules

Bioactive compounds:
Mechanisms and targets

Elucidating of chemical reaction mechanisms

Enzymatic specificity

Protein-substrate interactions

Member of:

apl. Prof. Dr. Norbert Jux

Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy
Chair of Organic Chemistry II (Prof. Dr. Hirsch)

Room: Room 04.038
Nikolaus-Fiebiger-Str. 10
91058 Erlangen


Organic Chemistry

Research areas

Molecular materials:

Organic molecular materials for electron transfer processes (for solar cells etc.)

Expanded functional π-systems with unusal properties (panchromatic dyes, biradicaloids)

Molecular materials:

Functionalized porphyrins as sensors

Expanded functional π-systems with unusal properties (panchromatic dyes, biradicaloids)

Member of:

PD Dr. Evgeny Kataev

Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy
Chair of Organic Chemistry II (Prof. Dr. Hirsch)

Room: Room 04.037
Nikolaus-Fiebiger-Str. 10
91058 Erlangen


Organic Chemistry

Research areas

Molecular materials:

Expanded functional π-systems, curved aromatics, red and NIR dyes

Self-assembly of dyes in a controlled manner (for solar cells, FET, OLED etc.)

Molecular materials:

Redox-active conjugated π-systems

Molecular materials:

Light-driven photocatalysis in confined space

Fluorescent probes for environmental parameters

Molecular materials:
Life science

Supramolecular recognition of nucleotides, DNA, and RNA

Supramolecular approaches for affecting protein-protein and DNA-protein interactions

Member of:

PD Dr. Marat Khusniyarov

Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy
Chair of Inorganic and General Chemistry (Prof. Dr. Meyer)

Room: Room A00.45
Egerlandstr. 1
91058 Erlangen


Inorganic Chemistry

Research areas

Molecular materials:

Molecular switches

Molecular materials:

Photoswitchable catalysts


Prof. Dr. Jörg Libuda

Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy
Chair of Interface Research and Catalysis (Prof. Dr. Libuda)

Room: Room 0.113-10
Egerlandstr. 3
91058 Erlangen



Physical Chemistry

Research Area

Molecular materials:

Mechanisms & microkinetics

Model catalysis & model electrocatalysis

Molecular materials:

Photoswitches at interfaces

Novel semiconductors, growth mechanisms

Molecular materials:

Interface chemistry & interface reactions

In-situ and operando studies

Member of:

PD Dr. Habil. Helene Loos

Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy
Chair of Aroma and Smell Research (Prof. Dr. Büttner)

Room: Room 01.120
Henkestr. 9
91054 Erlangen


Food Chemistry

Research areas

Bioactive compounds:
Compound discovery

Elucidation of semiochemicals and chemical communication processes

Identification of natural products, with a focus on volatile and odor-active substances from plant material and body fluids

Bioactive compounds
Mechanisms and targets

Uptake, biotransformation and excretion of substances by the human body

Understanding of peripheral mechanisms of olfactory perception

Sensory evaluation and structure-activity-relationships

Bioactive compounds:

Recombination of odours

Bioactive compounds:

Sensory and instrumental analysis of volatiles and odorants in food, plant and animal materials, and human speciment (urine, milk, sweat, sebum)

One- and two-dimensional gas chromatography-mass spectrometry/olfactometry

Targeted and untargeted analysis

Member of:

Dr. Florian Maier, Akad. Dir.

Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy
Chair of Physical Chemistry II (Prof. Dr. Steinrück)

Room: Room P 3.90
Egerlandstr. 3
91058 Erlangen


Physical Chemistry

Research areas

Molecular materials:

Ionic liquid interface properties and reactions

Molecular materials:

New catalyst concepts (vacuum/gas-liquid-solid-interfaces: SILP, SCILL)

Prof. Dr. Karl Mandel

Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy
Professorship for Inorganic Chemistry (Prof. Dr. Mandel)

Room: Room A 2.20
Egerlandstraße 1
91058 Erlangen


Materials Chemistry

Research areas

Molecular materials:

Multifunctional supraparticles for (photo-)(electro-)catylsis

Molecular materials:

Supraparticles with an identity (“ID”)

Recorder and sensor supraparticles

Communicating supraparticles

Molecular materials:

Triggerable supraparticles for debonding on demand

Design for recycling via information and reversiblity in materials

Adsorbers for water- and air purification

Member of:

Prof. Dr. Bernd Meyer

Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy
Professor for Computational Chemistry (ICMM)

Room: Room CCC 2.308
CCC, Nägelsbachstraße 25
91052 Erlangen


Theoretical and Computational Chemistry

Research areas

Molecular materials:

Novel materials for electro-mechanical and electro-optical energy conversion

Chemical processes at battery electrodes

Molecular materials:

Machine learning of atomic interactions for material design

Computational database for the search of novel defect-tolerant solar cell materials

Molecular materials:

Lifetime of solid lubricants

Chemical processes in fracture mechanics

Member of:

Prof. Dr. Karsten Meyer

Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy
Chair of Inorganic and General Chemistry (Prof. Dr. Meyer)

Room: Room A 3.4
Egerlandstraße 1
91058 Erlangen


Inorganic Chemistry

Research areas

Molecular materials:

Molecular basis for energy conversion

Metal-mediated electrocatalytic production of hydrogen from water

Development of uranium-based redox-flow batteries

Molecular materials:

Electronic structures of coordination complexes

Spectroscopic, magnetic and computational analyses of coordination complexes

Molecular materials:

(Electro-) catalysis at liquid interfaces

Small molecule activation (N2, O2, NOx, COx, H2O) at reactive uranium, lanthanide and d-block transition metal complexes

Member of:

Prof. Dr. Andriy Mokhir

Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy
Professor of Organic Chemistry (Prof. Dr. Mokhir)

Room: Room 04.047
Nikolaus-Fiebiger-Str. 10
91058 Erlangen


Organic Chemistry

Research areas

Molecular materials:
Life science

Chemistry in living cells

Bioactive compounds:
Compound discovery

Drug discovery: cancer, autoimmune diseases, infections

Bioactive compounds:
Mechanisms and targets

Targeting intracellular organelles in cancer cells

Bioactive compounds:

Detection of reactive oxygen species in vitro and in vivo

Monitoring redox status in vitro and in vivo using fluorescent probes

Prof. Dr. Susanne Mühlich, Apoth.

Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy
Professor of Molecular and Clinical Pharmacy (Prof. Dr. Mühlich)

Room: Room 05.055
Nikolaus-Fiebiger-Str. 10
91058 Erlangen


Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmacy

Research areas

Molecular materials:
Life science

Identifying biological markers for prevention, early diagnosis and treatment of cancer

Bioactive compounds:
Compound discovery

Lead compound optimization in vitro

Bioactive compounds:
Mechanisms and targets

Identification of novel drug targets for tumor therapy

Elucidation of molecular mechanisms underlying tumor formation


Cell analyses (protein, real-time analyses, gene expression analyses, binding affinity)


Member of:

Prof. Dr. Carolin Müller

Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy
Juniorprofessur für die Theorie elektronisch angeregter Zustände

Room: Room CCC 2.201b
Nägelsbachstr. 25
91052 Erlangen


Theoretical and Computer Chemistry

Research areas

Molecular materials:

Molecular and material modeling for solar energy conversion

Modeling excited-state processes and reactions triggered by light absorption or energy transfer

Molecular materials:

Efficient workflows for predicting photoinduced processes and reactions

Bioactive Compounds:
Compound discovery

Creation of computational chemistry databases

Machine learning for molecular and material design

Member of:

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Siow Woon Ng

Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy
Juniorprofessur für Physikalische Chemie an Grenzflächen

Room: Room P 2.68
Egerlandstr. 3
91058 Erlangen



Physical Chemistry

Research areas

Molecular materials:

Deposition of thin films and coatings

Additive manufacturing

Photo and electrocatalysis for energy conversion

Solid-liquid surface and interface reactions

Molecular materials:

Recycling of plastics for additive manufacturing

Member of:

Dr. Maria Eugenia Pérez-Ojeda Rodriguez

Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy
Chair of Organic Chemistry II (Prof. Dr. Hirsch)

Room: Room 05.047
Nikolaus-Fiebiger-Str. 10
91058 Erlangen


Organic Chemistry

Research areas

Molecular materials:

Chromophores for energy conversion

Carbon nanostructures for energy conversion

Automated synthesis of semiconductor for solar materials discovery

Thermodynamic evaluation of supramolecular systems

Molecular materials:

Supramolecular receptors

Chiral recognition / transfer

Responsive materials

Member of:

Prof. Dr. Monika Pischetsrieder

Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy
Chair of Food Chemistry / Henriette Schmidt Burkhardt (Prof. Dr. Pischetsrieder)

Room: Room 04.056
Nikolaus-Fiebiger-Str. 10
91058 Erlangen


Food Chemistry

Research areas

Bioactive compounds:
Compound discovery

Neuroactive food components

Bioactive peptides

Bioactive compounds:
Mechanisms and targets

Cellular proteomics

Neuroactivity of food components

Bioactive compounds:

Untargeted protein profiling of foods by microLC coupled high resolution mass spectrometry (timsTOF Pro microLC-MS/MS)

Food profiling for authencity control

Food profiling for quality control

Targeted food analysis by UHPLC-/microLC QTRAP MS/MS

Member of:

Prof. Dr. Jürgen Schatz

Dekan der Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät

Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy
Professor of Organic Chemistry (Prof. Dr. Schatz)

Room: Room 2.043
Universitätsstr. 40
91054 Erlangen

Office hours

During the semester: Wednesdays 10.15 - 11.00 am and 12.30 - 1.00 pm
During vacations: by agreement


Organic Chemistry

Research areas

Molecular materials:

Organic dyes as sensors and receptors

Molecular materials:

Supramolecular systems as catalysts and enzyme mimicks

Green Chemistry in water as as environmetally friendly solvent

Bioactive compounds:
Compound discovery

Bioorthogonal chemistry in aqueous and/or physiological media

Member of:

Prof. Dr. Ingrid Span

Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy
Professor of Bioinorganic Chemistry (Prof. Dr. Span)

Room: Room A2.37
Egerlandstr. 1
91058 Erlangen


Inorganic Chemistry

Research areas

Molecular materials:

Biological hydrogen production

Molecular materials:

Enzymatic degradation of alkanes

Molecular materials:
Life science

Structure determination of biomolecules

Roles of metals in biology

Bioactive compounds:
Mechanisms and targets

DNAzymes as antiviral agents

Iron-sulfur proteins as drug targets

Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Steinrück

Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy
Chair of Physical Chemistry II

Room: Room P 3.92
Egerlandstr. 3
91058 Erlangen



Physical Chemistry

Research areas

Molecular materials:

Chemical energy storage (LOHC and MOST systems)

Molecular materials:

Planar carbon lattices, 2D materials, porphyrin chemistry

Molecular materials:

New catalyst concepts (solid-liquid-interfaces: SILP, SCILL, SCALMS)

Member of:

Prof. Dr. Svetlana Tsogoeva


Organic Chemistry

Research areas

Molecular materials:

Organophotocatalyzed domino reactions

Electroorganic synthesis of heterocycles

Molecular materials:
Life science

Drug development for multidrug resistance

Natural product hybrids for medicinal chemistry

Bioacitive compounds:
Compound discovery

Antiviral and anticancer PROTACs and prodrugs

Phenotypic and target-based drug discovery

Member of:

Prof. Dr. Dirk Zahn

Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy
Professor for Theoretical Chemistry

Room: Room CCC 2.302
CCC, Nägelsbachstraße 25
91052 Erlangen


Theoretical & Computational Chemistry

Research areas

Molecular materials:

Molecular and material modeling for solar energy conversion

Nanoparticles, surfaces/film and porous materials for (electro-)catalysis

Molecular materials:

molecular photoswitches

switchable surfaces, sensors

Molecular materials:

Self-organizing and self-healing materials, catalyst concepts (SILP, SCILL, SCALMS)

Water cleaning by magnetic nanoparticles

Molecular materials:
Life science

Molecular aggregation, self-organization

Protein-ligand docking, molecular recognition

Bioactive compounds:
Compound discovery

Protein-ligand docking, molecular recognition

Bioactive compounds:

drug formulation & delivery

Member of: