Inorganic Chemistry
At FAU, Inorganic Chemistry stands out for its remarkable breadth and depth, allowing students to explore cutting-edge science across a broad spectrum of synthetic chemistry. From main group and transition metal d- and f-block catalysis to organometallic and bioinorganic research, our program explores the dynamic intersections of inorganic chemistry with neighboring disciplines in chemistry, biology, and medicine.
Our molecular chemistry initiatives tackle global challenges head-on, focusing on critical issues in energy, sustainability, and life sciences.
Students gain invaluable hands-on experience preparing organic ligands, synthesizing complex inorganic compounds, using advanced physical-inorganic spectroscopy, and applying state-of-the-art computational techniques.
Complementing these efforts, our vibrant materials chemistry program drives innovation in materials design, solid-state chemistry, and nanoscience. At FAU, Inorganic Chemistry is more than a discipline—it’s a catalyst for shaping the future of science.
Materials Chemistry
At FAU, Materials Chemistry aims at synthesizing truly novel materials by clever bottom-up chemical approaches on the nanoscale. Being multifunctional, these materials contribute in particular to the research fields “energy”, “sustainability” and “information”. This section focuses on the design and assembly of complex small particles (nano- and supraparticles), thin films, and nanostructured 3D materials.
Our chemical approach to synthesizing functional materials differs from classical materials engineering by enabling atomic-level control. Using chemistry, we break the walls of classical material properties and invent unthinkable functionalities enabled by multimaterial, nanostructured architectures.
Students are encouraged to become visionary material designers. Materials Chemistry at FAU is highly interdisciplinary as it draws bridges to all fields of Chemistry@FAU – from molecular chemistry to physical measurement techniques – as well as to connex disciplines such as chemical and materials engineering, physics, and medicine.
Organic Chemistry
At FAU, Organic Chemistry covers all exciting modern research areas dealing with the extraordinary capability of carbon-based transformations. Our students are exposed from the early start with cutting-edge research that covers synthetic methodology, metal-organic chemistry, photochemistry, carbon-based materials, supramolecular chemistry, chemical biology, and nanotechnology.
Organic Chemistry research at FAU is highly interdisciplinary, intersecting with physics, medicine, biology, pharmacy, and materials sciences. It directly addresses global challenges in sustainability, energy conversion, information technology, and life sciences and thus contributes strongly to a better future for everyone. At the same time our students are educated as universally capable scientists, developing their skills from synthesis, multi-dimensional chemical and spectroscopic analysis, and in-silico theoretical modelling to highly advanced applications reaching from smart materials to bio-medicinal context. Organic Chemistry at FAU thus represents the central enabling discipline for scientific innovation and discovery.
Physical Chemistry
At FAU, Physical Chemistry, in a nutshell, discovers, tests, and strive to understand the physical characteristics of materials (i.e., solids, liquids, etc.). By means of utilizing state-of-the-art tools, that is, achieving highest temporal- and spatial-resolution, and combinations thereof, the mechanisms of chemical reactions, the structure and properties of materials, and the interaction between molecules and electromagnetic radiation are investigated.
As such, they play an integral role in FAU DCP’ mission of developing new technologies like energy storage, catalysis, and information science.
Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Chemistry
At FAU, Theoretical and Computational Chemistry aims at the computer-based assessment of electronic/molecular structures and the dynamics of molecular assemblies to gain in-depth understanding of a vast range of properties and mechanisms.
The theory groups cover all research areas of the department and work in close contact to syntheses and experiment. Modelling and simulation thus help to explain experimental findings, postulate mechanistic routes and inspire the design of new compounds and materials.
Pharmaceutical Chemistry
At FAU, Pharmaceutical/Medicinal Chemistry integrates the design, chemical synthesis, biological testing, and mechanistic studies of drug candidates.
Using a wide range of methods and technologies, including stereoselective drug synthesis and solid-phase peptide synthesis, molecular dynamics simulations, interaction analysis (BRET, SPR, Fluorescence polarization) and cryo-EM, the research groups work on the discovery of novel lead compounds and molecular probes targeting G protein-coupled receptors, virus-host protein interactions and other pharmaceutical targets.
Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmacy
At FAU, Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmacy focusses on the development of natural and synthetic micro- and nanocarriers for drug delivery in the field of infection, inflammation and aging using sustainability, safe-by-design and quality assurance concepts.
A major focus is related to biopharmaceutical test systems in hen’s eggs, colon, lung, and skin according to the 3R principle to investigate the life cycle of drug delivery systems and the influence of the physiological environment.
Food Chemistry

At FAU, Food Chemistry focuses on the molecular determinants of food bioactivity and functionality.
Foods are complex systems, which are composed of thousands of different components. In order to understand how the foods’ molecular composition modulates their (bio-)function, comprehensive profiling methods are applied based on cutting-edge mass spectrometry methods and bioinformatic tools.