Thanh Hoang
Thanh Hoang
Thanh Hoang finished his Bachelor degree in chemistry at Hanoi University of Science, Vietnam, with his bachelor thesis on „Optimizing the isolation of Solanesol from tobacco, tomato and potato leaves using hydrolysis method“ performed in Phong V. Pham group. Afterwards, he worked as a researcher at the mentioned institute on a project for „developing medicine for treating liver diseases“ using different analytical methods such as gas and liquid chromatographies. He had a research stay at University of Duisburg-Essen in the Applied Analytical Chemistry group of Prof. Dr. Oliver J. Schmitz and worked on the analysis of different organic samples using two-dimensional chromatography. Thereafter, he relocated to University of Erlangen-Nuremberg for his Master’s degree in chemistry, focusing on biochemistry and medicinal chemistry, with his Master thesis on „synthesis of hydroperoxide-selective N-aminoferrocene-based anticancer prodrug“ performed in the group of Prof. Dr. Andriy Mokhir. He started his doctoral position in May, 2022 in Span group. He studies the structure and activities of DNAzyme, a family of catalytic single-stranded DNAs that is capable of performing RNA-cleavage reactions, aiding by X-ray crystallography.