Invited Talks
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Steinrück
Physical Chemistry, University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
Full List of Invited Talks of Prof. Steinrück in Chronological Order
List of Invited Talks of the STEINRÜCK-group in Erlangen since 1998
Invited Talks at Conferences and Scientific Institutions
282 | Molecules in Energy Storage and Release – A Surface Science Perspective Opening Plenary Lecture, 10th Argentinian Meeting on Physics and Chemistry of Surfaces (X- EFQS), Bariloche, Argentina, 06.-08.11.2024 |
281 | Surface Science studies of Ionic liquid interfaces Soochow University, China, 18.10.2024 |
280 | Fundamental insights into Ionic liquid interfaces University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), Hefei, China, 14.10.2024 |
279 | Interface studies of ionic liquids by lab-based X-ray photoelectron spectrocopy Keynote Lecture at the “First hard X-ray photoemission spectroscopy conference”, Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility (SSRF), China, 12.-13.10.2024 |
278 | The Power of XPS – An Introductury Lecture Soochow University, China, 12.10.2024 |
277 | News from ionic liquid interfaces Catalysis Summit, Filzmoos, Austria, 26.-29.09.2024 |
276 | Modification of the surface properties of a Pt(111) surface by ionic liquids 17th European Vacuum Conference (EVC-17) and 37th European Conference on Surface Science (ECOSS-37), Harrogate, UK, 17.-21.06.2024 |
275 | Surface enrichment of Pt complexes in ionic liquid solutions – The buoy effect 10th Irsee Symposium, Irsee, Germany, 06.-09.06.2024 |
274 | Surface Modification by Ionic Liquids Autumn Meeting of the Brazilian Physical Society, Florianopolis, Brazil, 19.-23.05.2024 |
273 | Ionic liquid interfaces State Key Laboratory of Advanced Technology for Material Synthesis and Processing, Wuhan University of Technology, China, 06.05.2024, online |
272 | The buoy effect – surface enrichment of Pt complexes in ionic liquid solutions by ligand design ACS-Meeting, Symposium “Physical Chemistry of Ionic Liquids”, New Orleans, USA, 17.-21.03.2024 |
271 | Molecular level insights into the properties of ionic liquid-modified Pt(111) surfaces ACS-Meeting, Symposium “Gabor A. Somorjai Award to Prof. Charlie Campbell for Creative Research in Catalysis”, New Orleans, USA, 17.-21.03.2024 |
270 | Energy Storage in Molecules – Fundamental Surface Science Studies Suzhou Institute of Nano-Tech and Nano-Bionics (SINANO) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Suzhou, China, 30.10.2023 |
269 | Energy Storage in Molecules – Fundamental Surface Science Studies Sochoow University, Suzhou, China, 30.10.2023 |
268 | Tailoring the mobility and reactivity of porphyrins on metal surfaces University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), Hefei, China, 26.10.2023 |
267 | Energy Storage in Molecules – A Surface Science Perspective Forum on Green Catalysis Utilizing and Producing Renewable Energies at the 25th Annual Meeting of the Chinese Association of Science and Technology, Hefei, China, 21.-23.10.2023 |
266 | Mobility and reactivity of porphyrins on metal surfaces ACS-Meeting, Symposium in Honor of Cynthia M. Friend, San Francisco, USA, 13.-17.8.2023 |
265 | Porphyrin adsorption on metal and oxide surfaces – a surface science perspective State Key Laboratory of Advanced Technology for Material Synthesis and Processing, Wuhan University of Technology, 17.7.2023, online |
264 | Molecules in Energy Storage and Release – A Surface Science Perspective Bunsentagung, Berlin, 05.-07.06.2023 |
263 | Mobility and reactivity of porphyrins on metal surfaces FUNSOM International Forum, Institute of Functional Nano & Soft Materials (FUNSOM), Soochow University, China, 15.11.2022, online |
262 | Mobility and reactivity of porphyrins on metal surfaces Campinas University, Brazil, 31.10.2022 |
261 | Examples for successful German-Latin America collaborations in fundamental interface science Humboldt-Kolleg “Expanding the Frontiers of Science: A Transdisciplinary Approach”, Montevideo, Uruguay, 27.-29.10.2022 |
260 | New experimental techniques in ionic liquid surface science Catalysis Summit, Filzmoos, Austria, 22.-25.09.2022 |
259 | Surface Science of Complex Molecular Systems Keynote Lecture at the 22nd International Vacuum Congress, Sapporo, Japan, 11.-16.09.2022, online |
258 | Fundamental Aspects of Ionic Liquid Interfaces Plenary Lecture, YOURHETCAT 2022, 1st Forum of Young Researchers on Heterogeneous Catalysis, Szeged, Hungary, 11.-13.07.2022 |
257 | Insights in the liquid-solid interface of supported ionic liquids 9th Irsee Symposium, Bad Irsee, Germany, 16.-19.06.2022 |
256 | Ionic Liquid Surface Science 11th Brazilian-German Workshop, Manaos, Brazil, 19.-24.04.2022 |
255 | On the interaction of ionic liquids with single crystal surfaces 263. ACS-Meeting, Symposium on “Surface Chemistry”, San Diego, USA, 20.-24.3.2022, online |
254 | In situ Metallation of Porphyrins on metal and oxide surfaces University of Pittsburgh, USA, 21.02.2022, online |
253 | Surface chemistry of complex molecular systems – from energy storage molecules to supported graphene State Key Laboratory of Advanced Technology for Material Synthesis and Processing, Wuhan University of Technology, China, 11.01.2022, online |
252 | Surface Science of complex molecular systems Topic talk at the General Assembly of the Collaborative Research Centre (CRC) 1415 “Chemistry of Synthetic Two-Dimensional Materials”, TU Dresden, 13.12.2021, online |
251 | X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy – an introductionary lecture International Erasmus Mundus Master Programme “Surface, Electro-, Radiation, and Photo-Chemistry (SERP+)”, Paris-Saclay University (France), Adam Mickiewicz University (Poland), University of Genoa (Italy) and University of Porto (Portugal), 16.11.2021, online |
250 | Interfaces of ionic liquids GDCh-Kolloquium, Universität Stuttgart, 11.11.2021 |
249 | Modern aspects of X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy State Key Laboratory of Advanced Technology for Material Synthesis and Processing, Wuhan University of Technology, China, 02.11.2021, online |
248 | Catalytic concepts with ionic liquids – a surface science perspective International Conference and Expo on Catalysis, Chemical Engineering and Technology, Vancouver, Canada, 28.10.2021, online |
247 | News from ionic liquid surface science Catalysis Summit, 23.-26.09.2021, Filzmoos, Austria |
246 | Catalytic concepts with ionic liquids – a surface science perspective TrackAct-Seminar, SFB 1441 “Tracking the Active Site in Heterogeneous Catalysis for Emission Control”, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe, 16.07.2021, online |
245 | Ionic Liquid Surface Science “FORUM OF GREAT MINDS” Lectureship, University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), Hefei, China, 27.11.2020, online |
244 | Ionic Liquid Adsorption and Ion Exchange Processes at Single Crystal Surfaces XXII. Symposium on Atomic, Cluster and Surface Physics, SASP’20, St. Moritz, Switzerland, 02.-07.02.2020 |
243 | Surface reactions on supported 2D materials Valencia-Erlangen Symposium on the Chemistry and Physics of 2D Materials, Valencia, Spain, 12.-14.11.2019 |
242 | Dynamic processes at the interfaces of molecular systems Soochow University, Suzhou, China, 28.10.2019 |
241 | Synchrotron radiation studies of complex surface reactions University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), Hefei, China, 25.10.2019 |
240 | Surface chemistry of complex molecular systems – from supported graphene to energy storage molecules Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, China, 21.10.2019 |
239 | Surface chemistry of complex molecular systems Symposium “Crossroads in Physical Chemistry – Experiment meets Theory” in Honor of Professor Joachim Sauer and Professor Hajo Freund, Berlin, 14./15.10.2019 |
238 | Surface Science of complex molecular systems: free-base porpyhrins on Cu(111) Catalysis Summit, Filzmoos, Austria, 26.-29.09.2019 |
237 | Surface reactions of complex molecular systems: from supported graphene to hydrogen storage molecules ACS, San Diego, USA, 25.-29.08.2019 |
236 | Surface Science of Low Vapor Pressure Liquids 5th Russian-German seminar on Catalysis “Bridging the Gap between Model and Real Catalysis. Synchrotron radiation in catalysis”, Novosibirsk, Russia, 23.-26.06.2019 |
235 | New catalytic concepts using low-vapor-pressure liquids World Chemistry Forum 2019, Barcelona, Spain, 22.-24.05.2019 |
234 | Ionic Liquid Adsorption and Ion Exchange Processes at Single Crystal Surfaces ACS Symposium in Honor of Hajo Freund, Orlando, USA, 01.-04.04.2019 |
233 | Surface Science of Low Vapor Pressure Liquids Plenary lecture, International Symposium on Molecular Science 2019, and Morino Lectureship, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan, 28.03.2019 |
232 | In situ metalation of porphyrins on metal and oxide surfaces Morino Lectureship, Institute of Molecular Science, Okasaki, Japan, 26.03.2019 |
231 | Surface science of complex molecular systems – from supported graphene to energy storage molecules Morino Lectureship, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, 25.03.2019 |
230 | Ionic Liquid Surface Science Morino Lectureship, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan, 22.03.2019 |
229 | Surface chemistry with porphyrins on metal and oxide surfaces 10th Singapore International Chemistry Conference (SICC-10), Singapore, 16.-19.12.2018 |
228 | In situ metalation of porphyrins on solid surfaces Symposium on “Charge Transfer in Metal-Organic Systems at Surfaces”, University of Warwick, UK, 14.11.2018 |
227 | Angle resolved X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy of low-vapor-pressure liquids 14th International Conference on Electronic Spectroscopy and Structure (ICESS-14), Shanghai, China, 08.-12.10.2018 |
226 | Ionic Liquid Surface Science 10th German-Brazilian Workshop on Applied Surface Science, Bad Dürkheim, Germany, 23.-28.09.2018 |
225 | Liquid Interfaces Catalysis Summit, Filzmoos, Austria, 20.-23.09.2018 |
224 | Surface science of low-vapor-pressure liquids Plenary Talk, ÖPG meeting, Graz, Austria, 11.-14.09.2018 |
223 | Fundamental surface science studies addressing chemical energy storage systems Int. Workshop of Synchrotron Radiation Spectroscopies for Energy Related Materials (IWSERM-2018), Hefei, China, 02.-05.09.2018 |
222 | Metalation of porphyrins on metal and oxide surfaces GDCh-Kolloquium, Universität Leipzig, 12.07.2018 |
221 | In situ metalation of porphyrins on solid surfaces SFB 840 Kolloquium, Universität Bayreuth, 18.06.2018 |
220 | Metalation of porphyrins on metals and oxides in vacuum and in the liquid phase Advanced Light Source, University of California, Berkeley, USA, 08.05.2018 |
219 | Surface Chemistry of Complex Materials Symposium, 80th birthday of Prof. R. J. Madix, Stanford University, USA, 07.05.2018 |
218 | In situ studies of surface reactions University of Washington, Seattle, USA, 30.04.2018 |
217 | Following reactions in ionic liquids through the outer surface by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy Keynote Lecture, 255. ACS-Meeting, Symposium “Physical Chemistry of Ionic Liquids”, New Orleans, USA, 08.-22.3.2018 |
216 | In situ studies of complex molecular systems OR What I would like to do with ionic liquids! Minisymposium “Hot Topics in Ionic Liquids”, Erlangen, 07.-08.12.2018 |
215 | In situ studies of surface reactions Workshop Surface Science RIO, WS2Rio, Brazilian Center for Research in Physics (CBPF), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 06.11.2017 |
214 | Ionic Liquid Surface Science Medard W. Welch Award Lecture, AVS Meeting, Tampa, Florida, USA, 29.10.-03.11.2017 |
213 | Surface chemistry of complex molecular systems – from graphene to energy storage molecules International Symposium on Surface Science, ISSS-8, Tsukuba, Japan, 22.-26.10.2017 |
212 | Surface Chemistry of Complex Materials Plenary Lecture, Österreichische Chemie Tage 2017 (Austrian Chemistry Days der GÖCh), Salzburg, 25.-28.09.2017 |
211 | Surface Chemistry of Complex Systems – In situ metalation of porphyrins on metals & oxides Catalysis Summit, Filzmoos, Austria, 21.-24.09.2017 |
210 | Chemical Reactions in Ionic Liquids Monitored through the Gas (Vacuum)/Liquid Interface Keynote Lecture, ECOSS 33, Szeged, Hungary, 28.08.-01.09.2017 |
209 | In situ studies of surface reactions – from simple to complex systems Harvard University, Cambridge, USA, 08.08.2017 |
208 | In situ metalation of porphyrins on metals and oxides Laboratory for Surface Modificatio, Rutgers University, Piscataway, USA, 01.08.2017 |
207 | Surface chemistry of complex systems – from small molecules to graphene and energy storage materials Department of Chemistry, Rutgers University, Piscataway, USA, 30.07.2017 |
206 | In situ studies of surface reactions – from small molecules to energy storage materials University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), Hefei, Anhui, China, 16.06.2017 |
205 | Surface science of complex molecular systems – from supported graphene to hydrogen carrier molecules Keynote Lecture, Second International Conference on Applied Surface Science, Dalian, China, 12.-15.06.2017 |
204 | In situ studies of surface and interface reactions DESY-FAU-HZB Symposium, Erlangen, 29.-30.05.2017 |
203 | Analysis of Ionic Liquid Interfaces in Catalysis Keynote Lecture, Analytix, Fukuoka, Japan, 22.-24.03.2017 |
202 | Chemical reactions at ionic liquid interfaces Gordon Research Conference, Lucca, Tuscany, Italy, 05.-10.02.2017 |
201 | Ionic Liquids and their interfaces Jahrestagung der Schweizerischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft Oberflächen und Grenzflächen (SAOG), Fribourg, Switzerland, 27.01.2017 |
200 | Chemistry at complex interfaces International Symposium “Pioneering New Fields: Forefront of RIKEN’s Science and Beyond”, Tokyo, Japan, 21.-22.11.2016 |
199 | Ionic liquids and their interfaces – a surface science perspective Catalysis Summit 2016, Filzmoos, Austria, 22.-25.09.2016 |
198 | Surface chemistry in complex organic layers – Metalation of porphyrins on metals and oxides International Conference on Solid Films and Surfaces (ICSFS 18), Chemnitz, 28.08.-02.09.2016 |
197 | In situ studies of surface reactions – from small molecules to liquid organic hydrogen carrier Plenary lecture, 14th European Vacuum Conference (EVC 14), Portorož, Slovenia, 06.-10.06.2016 |
196 | Advances in Surface and Interface Science of Ionic Liquids 251. ACS-Meeting, Symposium in Honor of M. B. Shiflett, Division of Industrial & Engineering Chemistry, San Diego, USA, 14.03.2016 |
195 | Ionic Liquid Surface Science Overview talk, DPG meeting, Regensburg, 07.-11.03.2016 |
194 | In situ studies of surface reactions 31st Workshop on Novel Materials and Superconductors, Obertraun, Österreich, 07.-13.02.2016 |
193 | X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy of complex molecular systems Ceremonial Lecture, Universität Oldenburg, 02.02.2016 |
192 | Surface and Interface Science of Complex Molecular Systems Workshop on “Ambient Pressure HAXPES”, DESY, Hamburg, 27.11.2015 |
191 | Interfaces of Ionic Liquids AVS Symposium, San Jose, California, USA, 18.-23.10.2015 |
190 | Surface Chemistry of Supported Graphene Catalysis Summit 2015, Filzmoos, Austria, 24.-27.09.2015 |
189 | Surface Chemistry of Complex Molecular Systems Bilateral Symposium “Advanced Materials for Electronic Applications”, Bangkok, Thailand, 25.-27.08.2015 |
188 | In situ studies of surface reactions by fast XPS International Exploratory Workshop on Photoelectrochemistry, Catalysis and X-ray Spectroscopy, EMPA, Dübendorf, Switzerland, 17.-19.08.2015 |
187 | Surface Chemistry with porphyrins University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary, 27.05.2015 |
186 | Surface Chemistry on supported graphene Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, 26.05.2015 |
185 | Ionic Liquid Surface Science Symposium on “Present Challenges in Surface Science and Photon-Driven Phenomena at Interfaces”, München, 23./24.04.2015 |
184 | Surface chemistry of complex molecular systems Plenary Lecture, Biannual Argentine National Physical Chemistry Meeting (XIX Congreso Argentino de Fisicoquímica y Química Inorgánica), Buenos Aires, Argentina, 12.-15.04.2015 |
183 | In situ studies of surface reactions Atomic Center, Institute Balseiro, San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina, 09.04.2015 |
182 | Ionic Liquid Surface Science Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina, 30.03.2015 |
181 | Chemical reactions of porphyrins on surfaces SFB 951, Berlin, 19./20.02.2015 |
180 | Surface Science of Complex Molecular Systems Physikalisch-Chemisches Kolloquium and SFB 1083 Kolloquium, Universität Marburg, 15.01.2015 |
179 | Surface and Interface Properties of Ionic Liquids Keynote Lecture, The 1st International Symposium on Interactive Materials Science Cadet Program (1ISMSC), Osaka, Japan, 17.11.2014 |
178 | Ionic Liquid Surface Science Department of Materials Engineering Sciene, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan, 13.11.2014 |
177 | Ionic Liquid Surface Science Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan, 12.11.2014 |
176 | Surface Chemistry of Porphyrins Surface and Interface Science Laboratory, RIKEN, Saitama, Japan, 11.11.2014 |
175 | Surface-assisted metallation of porphyrins SPINMOL – “Spintronics and Magnetochemistry on the Atomic and Molecular Level”, Ascona, Switzerland, 26.-30.10.2014 |
174 | In situ studies of surface reactions with high-resolution XPS and STM Catalysis Summit 2014, Kaisertal, Austria, 26.09.2014 |
173 | Influence of substituents and functional groups on the surface composition of ionic liquids 248. ACS-Meeting, Symposium on “Chemical Foundations of Tribology”, San Francisco, USA, 13.08.2014 |
172 | In situ reaction studies in ionic liquids 248. ACS-Meeting, Symposium “Physical Chemistry of Ionic Liquids”, San Francisco, USA, 13.08.2014 |
171 | Surface Chemistry of Hydrocarbons 248. ACS-Meeting, Symposium on “Surface Science, Science Policy Making and Sustainable Development (in Honor of Prof. Sir David King)”, San Francisco, USA, 11.08.2014 |
170 | Surface chemistry of hydrocarbons – from small molecules to graphene and liquid organic hydrogen carriers Universitat de Barcelona, Spain, 17.07.2014 |
169 | A look at the physics and chemistry of complex surfaces Physik, TU Wien, 20.05.2014 |
168 | Surface Science of Complex Molecular Systems Physik, TU Chemnitz, 14.05.2014 |
167 | Surface chemistry with porphyrinoids University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), Hefei, Anhui, China, 29.04.2014 |
166 | High resolution X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), Hefei, Anhui, China, 28.04.2014 |
165 | In situ Studies of Surface Reactions 3rd Annual Conference and EXPO of AnalytiX 2014, Dalian, China, 25.-28.04.2014 |
164 | Surface Science of complex adsorbate layers – from small molecules to porphyrins Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, 23.04.2014 |
163 | Surface chemistry of hydrocarbons Lu Jiaxi Lectureship, Xiamen University, Xiamen, China, 21.04.2014 |
162 | In situ studies of surface reactions Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China, 17.04.2014 |
161 | Coverage-induced Enhancement of the Self-Metalation of 2H-Tetraphenylporphyrins on Cu(111) 247. ACS-Meeting, Dallas, 18.03.2014 |
160 | Surface Science of Complex Molecular Systems Opening lecture, Nottingham Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Centre X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy Suite, Nottingham, UK, 17.12.2013 |
159 | Surface chemical reactions: Detailed insights from isothermal studies 9th International Symposium on Atomic Level Characterizations for New Materials and Devices ‘13 (ALC’13), Hawaii, USA, 02.-06.12.2013 |
158 | Surface Science of Complex Molecular Systems 49th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry, Erlangen, 22.-27.09.2013 |
157 | Ionic liquid surface science: Interface properties and chemical reactions IVC-19 / ICN T 2013 / ICSS 15 conference in Paris, France, 09.-13.09.2013 |
156 | X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy of ionic liquid interfaces CENEM Workshop “Neutron for Functional Materials”, Erlangen, 19.06.2013 |
155 | In situ studies of surface reactions – from small molecules to graphene and porphyrins Symposium Niedersächsische Technische Hochschule (NTH), Gosslar, 13.-15.06.2013 |
154 | In Situ Studies of Surface Chemical Reactions: From Simple Molecules to Porphyrins 245. ACS-Meeting, A. W. Adamson Award-Symposium, New Orleans, USA, 07.-11.4.2013 |
153 | Surface Science with Porphyrins Rutgers University, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Piscataway, USA, 05.04.2013 |
152 | Ionic Liquid Surface Science Rutgers University, Department of Chemistry, Piscataway, USA, 04.04.2013 |
151 | In situ studies of surface reactions in model systems – from simple molecules to liquid organic hydrogen carrier materials Wilhelm und Else Heraeus-Seminar zum Thema “Energy-related catalysis today and tomorrow: From fundamentals to applications”, Bad Honnef, 25.-28. March 2013 |
150 | Surface Chemical Reactions: From Simple Molecules to Porphyrins GDCh-Kolloquium Universität Ulm, 31.01.2013 |
149 | Hydrocarbon adsorption on metals: detailed insights from high-resolution X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy Symposium “Nanoscience on Surfaces: Present stand and future challenges”, Schladming, Austria, 20.-23.01.2013 |
148 | Surface and Interface Properties of Ionic Liquids Stöckhardt Kolloquium, TU Chemnitz, 06.12.2012 |
147 | Oberflächenforschung an komplexen molekularen Systemen Physikalische Gesellschaft zu Berlin, Magnushaus, Berlin, 08.11.2012 |
146 | Surface chemical reactions: detailed insights from high resolution X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Dalian, China, 27.09.2012 |
145 | High resolution X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), Hefei, Anhui, China, 24.09.2012 |
144 | Surface, interface and bulk properties of ionic liquids University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), Hefei, Anhui, China, 24.09.2012 |
143 | In Situ Studies of Surface Chemical Reactions: From Simple Molecules to Porphyrins Institute of Coal Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Taiyuan, Shanxi, China, 21.09.2012 |
142 | Ionic Liquid Surface Science Keynote Speech, 3rd Asian-Pacific Conference on Ionic Liquids and Green Processes (APCIL’12), Beijing, China, 17.-19.09.2012 |
141 | In-situ monitoring of chemical reactions in Ionic Liquids 244. ACS-Meeting, Symposium “Recent advances in studies of molecular processes at liquid interfaces”, Philadelphia, USA, 19.-23.08.2012 |
140 | Interface and bulk properties of imidazolium-based ionic liquids: Detailed insight from angle-resolved XPS 244. ACS-Meeting, Symposium “Chemistry and Physics in Tribology”, Philadelphia, USA, 19.-23.08.2012 |
139 | In situ studies of chemical reactions on surfaces and in ionic liquids by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy Diamond Light Source, Oxfordshire, UK, 09.-10.07.2012 |
138 | Surface science studies of complex molecular systems Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe, 18.06.2012 |
137 | Genau hingeschaut! – In situ Studien von Oberflächenreaktionen TU Ilmenau, 05.06.2012 |
136 | Adsorption and reaction of hydrocarbons on metals – from small molecules to supported heterographene German-Russian Conference on Fundamentals and Applications of Nanoscience, FU Berlin, 19.-21.05.2012 |
135 | Surface Chemistry on Porphyrinoids Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Berlin, 14.05.2012 |
134 | Surface and Interface Properties of Ionic Liquids – Insights from X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy 2012 MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco, 11. April 2012 |
133 | Surface science of complex molecular systems SUNCUT at SLAC, Stanford University, 06.04.2012 |
132 | Surface chemistry with porphyrins University of California, Santa Barbara, 04.04.2012 |
131 | Surface and interface properties of ionic liquids 243. ACS-Meeting, San Diego, 28.03.2012 |
130 | Surface chemistry of complex molecular systems Plenary lecture, 45. Jahrestreffen Deutscher Katalytiker, Weimar, Germany, 14.-16.03.2012 |
129 | Surface studies of complex molecular systems TU Graz, Austria, 22.11.2011 |
128 | Surface Science goes liquid ! Plenary Lecture, US DOE Catalysis Sciences Meeting “Frontiers in Catalysis: Heterogeneous, Surface, Photo- and Electrochemical”, Annapolis, Maryland, USA, 02.-05.10.2011 |
127 | In-situ photoelectron spectroscopy of surface reactions Reaction Kinetics Research Group of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary, 8. September 2011 |
126 | Surface Chemical Reactions: From Simple Molecules to Porphyrins Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary, 6. September 2011 |
125 | Surface science of complex molecular systems Symposium “Frontiers in Interface Science – Theory and Experiment”, Berlin, 30.06.2011 |
124 | Surface Chemical Reactions: From Simple Molecules to Porphyrins 7th Brazilian-German Workshop on Applied Surface Science, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, April 2011 |
123 | Ionic Liquid Surface Science Gordon Research Conference “Chemical Reactions at Surfaces”, Ventura, California, February 2011 |
122 | Towards the engineering of nanoscale surface structures – from in situ metallation to electron beam induced deposition University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), Hefei, Anhui, China, November 2010 |
121 | Some fundamental aspects of photoelectron spectroscopy University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), Hefei, Anhui, China, November 2010 |
120 | Chemistry of complex surfaces – from porphyrins to ionic liquids Symposium “Nanomaterials – New Horizons” at the International Forum on Nanotechnolgy “RusNANOtech”, Moscow, Russia, November 2010 |
119 | Chemistry of Complex Surfaces Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Berlin, 2. June 2010 |
118 | Complex surfaces – reactions and properties Festkolloquium anlässlich des 75. Geburtstages von Prof. Dr. Dietrich Menzel, Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik, IPP, Garching, 20.04.2010 |
117 | Surface Reactions Rundgespräch: “Principles and Applications of Catalysis”, Bad Honnef, 17.-19. February 2010 |
116 | Ionic Liquid Surface Science Northwest Industrial University, Xiam, China, September 2009 |
115 | In-situ photoelectron spectroscopy of surface reactions University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), Hefei, Anhui, China, September 2009 |
114 | Surface Chemical Reactions: From Simple Molecules to Porphyrins Fudan University, Shanghai, China, September 2009 |
113 | Surface Characterization of Complex Materials Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China, September 2009 |
112 | Lithographic fabrication of clean iron nanostructures by electron-beam induced deposition in ultra-high vacuum Tongji University, Shanghai, China, September 2009 |
111 | Photoelektronenspektroskopie an komplexen Oberflächen 15. Tagung Festkörperanalytik (FKA-15), Chemnitz, 12.-16.07.2009 |
110 | Photoelektronenspektroskopie an komplexen Oberflächen: Von Ionischen Flüssigkeiten zu Porphyrinen Universität Gießen, 26.05.2009 |
109 | Eigenschaften komplexer Oberflächen: Von Porphyrinen zu Ionischen Flüssigkeiten Universität Würzburg, 18.05.2009 |
108 | Universitäre Standortplanung aus Sicht eines Betroffenen Workshop “Profilbildung und Standortplanung der österreichischen Universitäten”, Österreichische Forschungsgemeinschaft, Wien, Austria, 12./13.12.2008 |
107 | Umgang mit Rankings und Nutzung der Ergebnisse des Forschungsratings Soziologie und Chemie – Impulsreferat aus der Praxis “Workshop zur Ergebnisnutzung der Pilotstudie Wissenschaftsrating”, Wissenschaftsrat, Bonn, 10.12.2008 |
106 | In-situ Untersuchungen komplexer Oberflächenreaktionen Universität Osnabrück, 13.11.2008 |
105 | Surface Properties of Ionic Liquids 6th Brazilian-German Workshop on Applied Surface Science, Titisee, September 2008 |
104 | In-situ X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy of surface reactions European Conference on Surface Science, ECOSS 25, Liverpool, UK, July 2008 |
103 | Ionic Liquid Surface Science Symposium “Concepts and Strategies in Interphase Science”, Liscombe, Halifax, Canada, July 2008 |
102 | “Eberhard Umbach – zum Sechzigsten” Festkolloquium, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, 9. May 2008 |
101 | Surface Chemical Reactions: From Simple Molecules to Metallo-Porphyrins SFB 658, FU Berlin, 17.01.2008 |
100 | Molecular Surface Science Südchemie, Heufeld, 30.11.2007 |
99 | In-situ Untersuchungen komplexer Oberflächenreaktionen TU Clausthal, 28.11.2007 |
98 | Surface Chemistry with Porphyrins Department of Physics and Astronomy, Rutgers University, Piscataway, USA, 03.05.2007 |
97 | In-situ studies of complex surface reactions University of California, Santa Barbara, USA, 01.05.2007 |
96 | Detailed Insights in Surface Chemical Reactions: From Simple Molecules to Metallo-Porphyrins SLAC, Stanford, USA, 25.04.2007 |
95 | In-situ X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy of surface reactions ALS, Berkeley, USA, 24.04.2007 |
94 | Photoelectron spectroscopy of complex surfaces: From porphyrins to ionic liquids Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories, Livermore, USA, 23.04.2007 |
93 | Chemical reactions of simple and complex molecules on metal surfaces Max-Planck-Institut für Festkörperforschung, Stuttgart, 13.12.2006 |
92 | Surface properties studied by electron spectroscopies Osaka University, Japan, October 2006 |
91 | Tailoring the electronic and chemical properties of solid surfaces 2nd Kyoto-Erlangen Symposium on Advanced Energy and Materials, Kyoto University, Japan, October 2006 |
90 | Methanol steam reforming on Pd/Zn/ZnO catalysts Bunsentagung, Erlangen, May 2006 |
89 | Ionic Liquid Surface Science SPP 1191 Antragskolloquium, 18.05.2006 |
88 | Adsorption and reaction of porphyrins on metal surfaces SFB 583, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, 28. April 2006 |
87 | Electronic structure of adsorbate layers 5th Brazilian-German Workshop on Applied Surface Science, Mangaratiba – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, April 2006 |
86 | Detaillierte Einblicke in Adsorption und Reaktion auf Metalloberflächen TU Wien, 22. March 2006 |
85 | Detailed insights in adsorption and reaction on metal surfaces Universität Ulm, 06.12.2005 |
84 | Methanol steam reforming on Pd/Zn/ZnO catalysts – Bridging the “pressure gap” and the “materials gap” DFG Schwerpunkt 1091 “Heterogene Katalyse”, Antragskolloquium für 3. Förderperiode, Berlin, September 2004 |
83 | In-situ Untersuchung von Oberflächenreaktionen mit höchstaufgelöster Röntgenphotoelektronenspektroskopie Universität Marburg, 05.07.2004 |
82 | Detaillierte Einblicke in Oberflächenreaktionen durch höchstaufgelöste Photoelektronenspektroskopie mit Synchrotronstrahlung Universität Bochum, 04.05.2004 |
81 | Elementary steps of surface reactions studied by photoelectron spectroscopy Physik-Department der Universität München, 28.01.2004 |
80 | Light in the Nanocosmos Faculty of Science and Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden, 24.10.2003 |
79 | Surface Reactions studied by in-situ photoelectron spectroscopy Department of Physics, Uppsala University, Sweden, 23.10.2003 |
78 | Einblicke in die Nanowelt der Oberflächen Jahresversammlung der Vereinigung der Chemielehrer an Realschulen in Bayern, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, October 2003 |
77 | In-situ Studies of Surface Reactions 4th German-Brazilian Workshop on Applied Surface Science, Schloß Ringberg, September 2003 |
76 | Synchrotronstrahlung – Licht im Nanokosmos Strategiediskussion zum BMBF-Förderschwerpunkt “Erforschung kondensierter Materie mit Großgeräten”, Hamburg, 31.01.2003 |
75 | Time Resolved Investigation of Surface Reactions Workshop “ERLSYN-Science 2002 – International Workshop on Scientific Applications of Energy Recovery Linac Driven Synchrotron Light Sources”, Erlangen, 27.-29.09.2002 |
74 | In-Situ Untersuchungen von Oberflächenreaktionen Konferenz für angewandte Oberflächenanalytik (AOFA 12), Kaiserslautern, September 2002 |
73 | Methanol-Dampfreformierung an Pd/Zn/ZnO-Katalysatoren Begutachtung des DFG-Schwerpunkts “Brückenschläge zwischen idealen und realen Systemen in der heterogenen Katalyse”, Berlin, September 2002 |
72 | Chemische Eigenschaften von Oberflächen und Schichtsystemen GDCh-Kolloquium Universität Bayreuth, 04.07.2002 |
71 | Ultrathin layer systems: Characterization, electronic structure and chemical properties Plenary lecture, JVC-9 (Joint Vacuum Conference), Schloß Seggau, Leibnitz, Austria, 16.-20.06.2002 |
70 | Wechselwirkung einfacher Moleküle mit ultradünnen Schichtsystemen Institut für Physikalische und Theoretische Chemie der Universität Bonn, January 2002 |
69 | Physikalische und chemische Eigenschaften ultradünner Schichtsysteme Physik-Department der TU München, November 2001 |
68 | Charakterisierung und chemische Eigenschaften ultradünner Schichtsysteme Institut für Allgemeine Physik der TU Wien, October 2001 |
67 | In-situ Untersuchung von Oberflächenreaktionen mit höchstaufgelöster Photoelektronenspektroskopie Workshop “Research with Synchrotron Radiation”, Erlangen, 19./20.07.2001 |
66 | Chemische und elektronische Eigenschaften ultradünner Schichtsysteme Institut für Festkörper- und Werkstoffkunde (IFW) Dresden, Dresden, June 2001 |
65 | High resolution X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy for the in situ analysis of chemical reactions Workshop on the Scientific Case of a BESSY VUV-Soft-X-Ray FEL, Holzhau, January 2001 |
64 | The adsorption dynamics of CO on ultrathin Cu layers 12th Symposium on Surface Science (3S*2000), Kananaski Village, Alberta, Canada, March 2000 |
63 | Adsorption of small molecules on ultrathin Cu layers on Ni(111) and Ru(0001) Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories, Livermore, USA, February 2000 |
62 | Electronic structure and chemical properties of ultrathin metal layers AVS-Meeting in San Jose, USA, February 2000 |
61 | Ultrathin metal films: Correlation between electronic structure and chemical properties Chemistry Department, University of Cambridge, England, January 2000 |
60 | Elektronische Struktur und chemische Eigenschaften ultradünner Metallschichten Universität Essen, November 1999 |
59 | Ultradünne Metallschichten – neue Materialien mit neuen Eigenschaften TU München, November 1999 |
58 | Oberflächenforschung: Physik und Chemie in zwei Dimensionen Aufgezeichnet vom Bayerischen Rundfunk “Dimensionen von Physik und Chemie” Ausgestrahlt am 20.07.1999, 16:00 Uhr und 21.07.1999, 10:00 Uhr im Bildungskanal des Bayerischen Rundfunks BR-Alpha |
57 | Oberflächenforschung: Physik und Chemie in zwei Dimensionen Collegium Alexandrinum der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg |
56 | Elektronische und chemische Eigenschaften von Metallschichtsystemen Physikalisches Kolloquium, Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, June 1999 |
55 | Chemische und elektronische Eigenschaften ultradünner Metallschichten Graduiertenkolleg-Workshop “Adsorption und Strukturierung von Grenzflächen” in Großbothen bei Leipzig, April 1999 |
54 | Ultradünne Metallschichten – neue Materialien mit neuen Eigenschaften GDCh-Kolloquium an der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, December 1998 |
53 | Wechselwirkung einfacher Moleküle mit ultradünnen Metallschichten Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft in Berlin, November 1998 |
52 | Adsorption und elektronische Struktur einfacher Moleküle auf ultradünnen Metallschichten Institut für Festkörperphysik der TU Graz, October 1998 |
51 | Ultradünne Metallschichten – elektronische Struktur und Adsorption einfacher Moleküle Fakultät für Physik der Universität Göttingen, October 1997 |
50 | What can we learn about adsorbate geometries from electron spectroscopies? Workshop “Strukturanalyse von Oberflächen und dünnen Schichten mittels Synchrotronstrahlung”, München, October 1997 |
49 | Adsorption einfacher Moleküle auf Metallen und ultradünnen Metallschichten Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät II der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, May 1997 |
48 | Adsorption einfacher Moleküle auf ultradünnen Kupferschichten DFG Rundgespräch “Adsorbate: Bildung, elektronische und geometrische Struktur, Anwendungen”, Bad Honnef, February 1997 |
47 | Spektroskopie und Holographie an Oberflächen Fakultät für Physik der Universität Freiburg, October 1996 |
46 | Rare gases – subject and object of surface science studies Surface Science Seminar, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Rutgers University, Piscataway, USA, August 1996 |
45 | Photoelektronenholographie Fachbereich Physik der Universität Kaiserslautern, June 1996 |
44 | Photoelektronenspektroskopie und -holographie an Adsorbatsystemen Institut für Grenzflächenforschung und Vakuumphysik, Forschungszentrum Jülich, May 1996 |
43 | Laterale Wechselwirkungen und Bandstrukturen in Adsorbatsystemen Max-Planck-Institut für Strömungsforschung, Göttingen, May 1996 |
42 | Photoelektronenholographie – eine neue Methode zur Untersuchung von Adsorbatgeometrien Statusseminar Synchrotronstrahlung, Berlin, December 1995 |
41 | Bonding and lateral interactions in adsorbed hydrocarbon layers IUVSTA Workshop on “Structure and reactivity of small polyatomic molecules on surfaces”, Brdo, Slovenia, April 1995 |
40 | Elektronische und geometrische Struktur von Adsorbatsystemen Technisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät der Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, March 1995 |
39 | Elektronenspektroskopische Untersuchungen an Adsorbatsystemen Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät I der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, January 1995 |
38 | Elektronen an Oberflächen – Spektroskopie und Holographie Antrittsvorlesung an der Universität Würzburg im Rahmen des Physikalischen Kolloquiums der Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie der Universität Würzburg, July 1994 |
37 | Winkelaufgelöste Elektronenspektroskopie adsorbierter Moleküle Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, Münster, March 1994 |
36 | Growth and encapsulation of Pt on TiO2 Department of Physics and Astronomy, Rutgers University, Piscataway, USA, October 1993 |
35 | Angle resolved photoemission of adsorbed molecules Brookhaven National Laboratories, USA, October 1993 |
34 | Lateral interactions in adsorbed layers Department of Chemistry, Harvard University, Cambridge, USA, October 1993 |
33 | Hydrocarbon adsorption on metal surfaces AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, USA, September 1993 |
32 | Adsorption and growth of molecular layers on metal surfaces IBM-Yorktown Heights, USA, September 1993 |
31 | On the importance of lateral interactions in the adsorption of molecules on metal surfaces Surface Science Seminar, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Rutgers University, Piscataway, USA, September 1993 |
30 | Laterale Wechselwirkung in adsorbierten Schichten Kolloquium an der Fakultät für Physik der Universität Stuttgart, June 1993 |
29 | Zur Adsorption von Kohlenwasserstoffen auf Metalloberflächen Fachbereich Chemie der Universität Hannover, June 1993 |
28 | Adsorption von Kohlenwasserstoffen auf Metalloberflächen Institut für Physikalische Chemie der Universität Bochum, May 1993 |
27 | Lateral interactions in adsorbed layers CERC3 Workshop on Surface and Interface Chemistry, Kerkrade, Netherlands, April 1993 |
26 | Elektronenspektroskopische Untersuchungen an adsorbierten Molekülen Physikalisch-Chemisches Kolloquium der Universität Karlsruhe, October 1992 |
25 | Photoemission an adsorbierten Molekülen Sektion für Physik der Ludwig-Maximilian Universität München, July 1992 |
24 | Der Freie-Elektronen-Laser Physik-Department der Technischen Universität München, July 1992 |
23 | Sterische Effekte und zweidimensionale Bandstrukturen in dichtgepackten Adsorbatschichten Institut für Laser- und Plasmaphysik der Universität Essen, June 1992 |
22 | Elektronische Struktur, Symmetrie und laterale Wechselwirkung adsorbierter Moleküle Fakultät für Physik und Astronomie der Universität Würzburg, June 1992 |
21 | Orientierung, Symmetrie und laterale Wechselwirkung von adsorbierten Molekülen Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, May 1992 |
20 | Laterale Wechselwirkungen in adsorbierten Schichten Statusseminar Synchrotronstrahlung, Berlin, November 1991 |
19 | Elektronische Struktur, Symmetrie und laterale Wechselwirkung von adsorbierten Molekülen Interdiziplinäres Oberseminar zur Fragen der Festkörperphysik im Physik-Department der TU München (Vorstellungsvortrag im Rahmen des Habilitationsverfahrens), December 1991 |
18 | Atomare Auflösung durch Holographie mit inneren Quellen Journal Club des Physik-Departments der TU München, July 1991 |
17 | Laterale Wechselwirkung, Orientierung und Symmetrie in reinen und koadsorbierten Benzolschichten Fachbereich Physik der Universität Osnabrück, June 1991 |
16 | Orientierung, Symmetrie und laterale Wechselwirkung von adsorbierten Molekülen 4. Physikalisches Institut der Universität Stuttgart, June 1991 |
15 | Orientation, symmetry and lateral interactions of molecules in pure and coadsorbed adsorbate layers 5th International Seminar on Surface Physics, Przesieka, Poland, May 1991 |
14 | Angle resolved UV-photoelectron spectroscopy of adsorbed molecules Symposium on Surface Science in Obertraun, Austria, February 1991 |
13 | Elektronische Struktur und Schwingungsstruktur von Adsorbatschichten Physik-Department, TU München, June 1990 |
12 | Winkelaufgelöste Elektronenspektroskopien zur Untersuchung von Adsorbaten an Oberflächen Institut für Physikalische Chemie der Universität Innsbruck, Austria, May 1990 |
11 | Electronic and geometric properties of pure and coadsorbed benzene layers on Ni(111) and Ru(001) Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, USA, July 1989 |
10 | Untersuchungen zur Adsorption von NO auf Ni(111) mit winkelaufgelöster UV-Photoelektronenspektroskopie und winkelaufgelöster Augerelektronenspektroskopie Physik-Department E20, TU München, May 1989 |
9 | Surface Physics and Surface Chemistry South European Workshop on Research with Synchrotron Radiation, Athens, Greece, May 1989 |
8 | Elektronische Struktur und Orientierung von NO auf Ni(111) Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Berlin, April 1989 |
7 | Ferromagnetismus in zwei Dimensionen Physik-Department der TU München, February 1989 |
6 | Molekularstrahluntersuchungen am System CO/Ni(100) Festkörperfachabend der TU Graz, Austria, January 1987 |
5 | Molekularstrahluntersuchungen der Adsorption von CO auf Ni(100) Physik-Department E20, TU München, November 1986 |
4 | Das Prinzip der Detaillierten Gleichgewichte im System H2/Nickel und CO/Nickel Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Physikalischen Gesellschaft anläßlich der Verleihung des “KOHLRAUSCH”-Preises der ÖPG, Innsbruck, Austria, September 1986 |
3 | Precursors and trapping in the molecular chemisorption of CO on Ni(100) Sandia National Laboratories, Livermore, USA, June 1986 |
2 | Reversibilität in Adsorptions-/Desorptionsvorgängen Festkörperfachabend der TU Graz, Austria, May 1985 |
1 | Die experimentelle Bestimmung der Winkelverteilung desorbierender Moleküle Festkörperfachabend der TU Graz, Austria, April 1983 |