Lab Courses
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Steinrück
Physical Chemistry, University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
For all questions concerning lab courses in the group of Univ.-Prof. Dr. H.-P. Steinrück, please contact:
Dr. Andreas Bayer, Akad. ORat
The introductory lab course Physical Chemistry is done during the basic studies of undergraduate students from various disciplines. Some general information is given in the following table. Details can be found using the links provided.
Course | Module | Term | Number of Experiments |
Further Information |
Details (in German) |
Teacher Training Primary and Secondary School (old examination regulations) |
LA PC II - PR | 5 | 5 | |
Details (in German) |
Pharmaceutics | Physico-chemical exercises | 2 | 4 |
The advanced lab course in physical chemistry within the orientation module PC is done as part of the Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry in the 3rd year. The internship is conducted by the Chair of Physical Chemistry I. For questions, please contact Dr. Guido Sauer. More information can be found on the corresponding website of the lab course.
The lab course “Physical Chemistry” can be done as part of the Master’s degrees in Chemistry as one of the chemistry modules in the 1st year. The internship is conducted by the Chair of Physical Chemistry I. For questions, please contact Dr. Guido Sauer. More information can be found on the corresponding website of the lab course.
In addition to the 6 experiments in the physico-chemical lab for advanced students, two three-day projects are to be worked on in different research groups in physical chemistry – one project at the chair for Physical Chemistry I and one at the chair for Physical Chemistry II or at the chair for Interface Research and Catalysis.
An overview of possible topics and contact persons can be found on the following page:
The lab course “Interface & Catalysis ” can be done amongst others in the group of Prof. Dr. H.-P. Steinrück as part of the Master’s degrees in Chemistry and Molecular Science (compulsory elective module “Advances in Interface Research and Catalysis”) in the 1st year. The internship consists of 10 days of work in the lab on a current research project and should be carried out in groups of two. Following the practical work, a report of about 10 pages on the experiments and results has to be written in the style of a scientific publication.
The number of possible research projects is limited. A range of topics can be found in the following poster or file respectively: (PDF)

For questions concerning the lab course “Catalysis” in the group of Prof. Dr. H.-P. Steinrück, please contact Dr. Andreas Bayer – at least 4-6 weeks prior to the planned start of the project.
The lab course “Energy Materials” can be done as part of the Master’s degrees in Chemistry and Molecular Science (compulsory elective module “Advances in Interface Research and Catalysis”) in the 1st year. The internship is conducted by the Chair of Physical Chemistry I. For questions, please contact Dr. Christian Ehli. More information can be found on the corresponding StudOn website “Lab Course: Energy Materials (EnMAT-LAB)”.
Part of the lab course “Molecular Nanoscience” can be done amongst others in the group of Prof. Dr. H.-P. Steinrück as part of the Master’s degrees in Molecular Science (mandatory module “Molecular Nanoscience”) in the 1st year. Overall, the internship consists of 5 experiments of 3 laboratory days each on a current research project and should be carried out in groups of two.
An overview of possible topics and contact persons can be found on the following page:
The research project “Physical Chemistry” can be done amongst others in the group of Prof. Dr. H.-P. Steinrück as part of the Master’s degrees in Chemistry (specialisation module CS – PC) in the 2nd year. It serves as preparation for the Master’s thesis and consists of 6 weeks of work in the lab on a current research project. Following the practical work, a report about the project has to be written.
The number of possible research projects is limited. A range of topics can be found in the following poster or file respectively: (PDF)

For questions concerning the lab project “Physical Chemistry” in the group of Prof. Dr. H.-P. Steinrück, please contact Dr. Andreas Bayer – at least 4-6 weeks prior to the planned start of the project.
The research project “Molecular Nanoscience” can be done amongst others in the group of Prof. Dr. H.-P. Steinrück as part of the Master’s degrees in Molecular Science in research module “Research Lab – Molecular Nanoscience” in the 2nd year. It serves as preparation for the Master’s thesis and consists of 6 weeks of work in the lab on a current research project. Following the practical work, a report about the project has to be written.
The number of possible research projects is limited. A range of topics can be found in the following poster or file respectively: (PDF)

For questions concerning the lab project “Physical Chemistry” in the group of Prof. Dr. H.-P. Steinrück, please contact Dr. Andreas Bayer – at least 4-6 weeks prior to the planned start of the project.
The research-based “Lab Course Physical Chemistry in Teachers Training” (elective module LAG FOL, module form) can be done amongst others in the group of Prof. Dr. H.-P. Steinrück as part of the Master’s degrees in Teachers Training (grammar school) in the 4th or 5th year. The internship consists of 2 parts. Within part 1, 5 experiments from the lab course Physical Chemistry for advanced students are done. Part 2 consists of a short research project – that is 3 days of work in the lab on a current research project – and should be carried out in groups of two.
An overview of the lab course FOL can be found on the following page: