Outgoing students
Interested in studying for a semester or two abroad?
Since we find studying abroad to be such a great experience, we encourage all our students to spend some time abroad during their studies. There are various options to do so, such as…
Each year, the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) selects a number of German students to study for one or two semesters at a partner university in another country. Study programs and funding options vary depending on the partner university in question.
Further information on university-wide exchange agreements may be found on the website of the International Office. This information is only available in German at this time.
Which semester is best to go abroad?
Generally, we recommend students in our Master’s degree programs spend their third semester abroad.
In the Bachelor’s programs, we recommend the fifth semester, although it can be challenging to find proper and equivalent courses at a partner university.
Which language level do I need to go abroad?
It depends on the partner university, in most cases level B2 in the teaching language is required.
How much time do I need to get everything organized?
We recommend starting the process one year in advance of your expected semester abroad.
The application deadline is the end of December for the following academic year’s Winter Semester and/or Summer Semester.
Which universities teach in English?
Besides the universities in the United Kingdom, Ireland, and Malta, universities in Norway, Sweden, and the Netherlands usually offer Master-level courses in English and their Bachelor-level courses in the local language. Most of our other partner universities offer at least some courses in English.
Information session “Studying abroad/ERASMUS+” on Monday, November 18th, 2024 at 5:00 pm in lecture hall H2 (Egerlandstrasse 1 – 3)
→ The current “Studying abroad”-presentation can be found on StudOn:
→ Magazin → 4. Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät→ 4.2 Chemie und Pharmazie → Studierendenservice Chemie, Molecular Science & Lehramt Chemie / Student-Service Chemistry, Molecular Science & Teaching Chemistry → Auslandsstudium/ERASMUS+ → Aktuelle Infoveranstaltung zu ERASMUS+ und Auslandsstudium → 2024-11-19_ERASMUSinfo-Study_abroad!