Tag: startseite1

The field of catalysis with cheap and biocompatible early main group metals, especially Ca, is developing fast and borders keep moving. The research group of Professor Sjoerd Harder, Chair of Inorganic and Organometallic Chemistry at the Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy of FAU, is a pioneer in t...

Apart from MgH2, which is widely investigated for its hydrogen storage properties, alkaline earth metal hydrides are generally of no interest. The salt CaH2 reacts vigorously with water but is in contrast to other metal hydrides like LiAlH4 fully inert towards most organics. This is primarily due to...

The fascinating properties of graphene have resulted in exploding interest in the synthesis of large polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons or nanographenes, which represent fragments of the graphene surface.  Dr. Konstantin Amsharov and PhD student Anni-Kristin Steiner (Institute of Organic Chemistry, FA...

Prof. Dr. Sjoerd Harder received the “Schlenk Lecture Award”, a biannual research prize from the University of Tübingen and the BASF-AG. The prize includes a ceremonial lecture about the awardees research, a 3-week visiting professorship in Tübingen and at the BASF site in Ludwigshafen and a reward ...