Tag: startseite1

Researchers at the Chair of Organic Chemistry II at FAU have discovered that it is possible to control the optical and electronic properties of aluminium oxide nanoparticles, despite the fact that they are typically electronically inert and optically inactive. They have now designed a concept for ma...

The Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy cordially invites all 2018-19 graduates, as well as any other interested parties, to this year's graduation ceremony, which will include the distribution of diplomas and the conferment of Master's and doctoral awards. This ceremonial event will take place on ...

Scientists at the Chair of Interface Research and Catalysis will develop a new and unique experiment at the German Electron Synchrotron DESY in Hamburg. The setup is named CIXEL (Combined Infrared and X-Ray Analytics of Electrochemical Interfaces) and shall enable a new type of in-situ studies at el...

Nanostructures based on carbon are promising materials for nanoelectronics. However, to be suitable, they would often need to be formed on non-metallic surfaces, which has been a challenge – up to now. Researchers at FAU have found a method of forming nanographenes on metal oxide surfaces. Their res...

The scholarship programme "Promotion of Equal Opportunities for Women in Research and Teaching (FFL)" is offered by the Free State of Bavaria in order to support women in science with above-average achievements in all areas of study. More information on programme and how to apply for a scholarship c...

Graphene is a promising material for use in nanoelectronics. Its electronic properties depend greatly, however, on how the edges of the carbon layer are formed. Zigzag patterns are particularly interesting in this respect, but until now it has been virtually impossible to create edges with a pattern...

Prof. Dr. Jörg Libuda accepted the offer for a full professorship (W3) at the newly established Chair of Interface Research and Catalysis. Prof. Libuda has been Professor of Physical Chemistry (W2) at the Chair of Physical Chemistry II since 2005. Besides other awards and commitments, he has been sp...

Dr. Sunghwan Shin has been awarded an Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship for Postdoctoral Researchers grant. Born in Korea, he started working at the Chair of Physical Chemistry II since 2018 in the group of Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Steinrück; the scholarship will start February 1, 2019 for the ...

The Department of Chemistry and Pharmacy wishes all students and employees happy holidays and a successful start to the New Year. From December 24, 2018 up to and including January 6, 2019, there will be no lectures and the FAU administration will be closed. From Monday, January 7, 2019, all events,...